摘要: 针对交通运输业碳排放数据序列的波动性和非线性问题,采用一种融合变分模态分解(VMD)、麻雀搜索算法(SSA)和最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)的组合预测模型,以更精准地对交通运输业碳排放量进行预测。首先,利用VMD方法将原始碳排放数据序列分解为多个复杂度低、平稳的模态分量和一个残差项,以降低碳排放数据序列的波动性和非线性;其次,对各分解模块建立LSSVM模型,并利用SSA对LSSVM模型参数进行寻优;最后,将各模块预测结果进行集成叠加,获得最终的碳排放预测结果。对我国交通运输业1990—2019年碳排放数据进行计算,以此对模型进行验证,并与多种模型进行比较。结果表明:VMD-SSA-LSSVM模型的均方根误差、平均绝对误差、平均绝对百分比误差、可决系数、Nash系数分别为628万t、574万t、0.73%、0.998、0.996,均优于其他模型,表明该模型能够有效提高预测精度。Abstract: Aiming at the volatility and nonlinearity of transport carbon emission data series, a combined prediction model combining variational mode decomposition (VMD), sparrow search algorithm (SSA), and least square support vector machine (LSSVM) was adopted to predict transport carbon emission more accurately. Firstly, the VMD method was used to decompose the original carbon emission data series into multiple low-complexity, stable modal components, and a residual term to reduce the volatility and nonlinearity of the carbon emission data series. Secondly, the LSSVM model was established for each decomposition module, and the parameters of the LSSVM model were optimized by SSA. Finally, the prediction results of each module were integrated and superimposed to obtain the final carbon emission prediction results. The carbon emission data of China's transportation industry from 1990 to 2019 were calculated to verify the model and compare it with various models. The results showed that the root-mean-mean error, mean absolute error, mean absolute percentage error, determination coefficient and Nash coefficient of the VMD-SSA-LSSVM model was 6.28 million t, 5.74 million t, 0.73%, 0.998 and 0.996, respectively, which was superior to other models, indicating that the model can effectively improve the prediction accuracy.
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