摘要: 排水系统是城市重要的基础设施之一,监测其运行状态意义重大。为解决排水系统数据管理、在线监测、业务管理、内涝预警等方面的问题,以常州市为研究对象,深入分析了排水系统现状及问题,并给出了解决方案。基于GIS、物联网、人工智能、数字孪生等技术,提出了排水基础设施安全运行监测技术架构,研发并建成排水基础设施安全运行监测平台。系统上线后,管网养护成本平均降低12%,污水全年低水位运行时间提升10%,一体化调度效率提升50%,实现了设施全生命周期管理、管网全方位监测、内涝高效预警与处置、厂网一体化调度,并有效提高了常州市排水基础设施数字化、智能化监管水平,可为同类城市相关工作提供参考。Abstract: Drainage system is one of the important infrastructure in cities, and monitoring of its safe operation is of significant significance. To solve the problems of drainage system data management, online monitoring, business management, waterlogging warning, etc., taking Changzhou as the research object, the current situation and problems of its drainage system were analyzed in depth, and the solutions were given. Based on GIS, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, digital twin and other technologies, the technical architecture of safe operation monitoring of drainage infrastructure was proposed, and momitoring platform for safe operation of drainage infrastructure in Changzhou were developed and applied. After the system went online, the maintenance cost of the pipeline network was reduced by 12% on average, the annual low water level operation time of sewage was increased by 10%, and the integrated scheduling efficiency of drainage was increased by 50%, so as to realize the whole life cycle management of facilities, all-round monitoring of pipe networks, urban flood prevention and emergency response, and integrated scheduling of source-network-plant-river. It effectively improves the digital and intelligent supervision level of drainage infrastructure in Changzhou, and can provide a reference for the safe operation monitoring of similar urban drainage infrastructures.
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