摘要: 为了实现城市污水管网外来水入侵风险监测评估持续化、主动化、低廉化,在现有的外来水定性定量方法的基础上,结合城市已有的供水和排水监测感知系统,提出了1套基于供排水一体化监测的外来水风险评估方法。采用外来水占比R及外来水占比等级频率P 2个指标反应风险等级,表征外来水时空分布特性,并将其应用于南方W城市某片区的外来水风险评估工作中。2022年3-4月污水管网监测数据分析结果表明,4个厂泵和3个关键监测节点将评估区域划分为3个子区域,其中,3月旱天情况下子区域Z1外来水入侵等级为较为严重,自流区整体及子区域Z3外来水入侵程度为严重,而子区域Z2为非常严重,4月除了区域整体风险等级下降为较为严重,子区域评价结果不变。与传统方法进行比较,该方法评估结果具有可行性,对实现以较低成本开展外来水风险评估及对提升污水管网管理效率具有重要意义。Abstract: To realize the continuous and low-cost monitoring and assessment of extraneous water risk in urban sewage networks, this paper proposed a set of risk assessment methods based on integrated monitoring of water supply and drainage systems. The risk level was reflected by two indicators:extraneous water proportion R and grade frequency P, which can capture the spatial and temporal distribution of extraneous water. The methods were applied to the risk assessment of extraneous water in an area of City W in south China. The study area was divided into three sub-catchments by four plant pumps and three key monitoring nodes. The analysis results of data in March 2022 showed that the extraneous water risk level of subcatchment-Z1 was L2 (relatively high), the overall region and subctchment-Z3 was L3 (high), and the subcatchment-Z2 was L4 (very high). In April, the results of sub-catchments remained unchanged except that the overall region was reduced to L2. Compared to traditional methods, this method can output reliable conclusions, realize the risk distribution analysis of extraneous water with low cost, and has practical significance for improving the efficiency of sewage network management.
Key words:
- sewer systems /
- extraneous water /
- risk assessment /
- online monitoring /
- water consumption
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