摘要: 从可持续发展战略角度考虑,降低市政设施的碳排放量是生态文明发展的重要一步。非开挖管道修复方式节能环保、绿色低碳,是管道修复行业升级转型的大趋势。结合四川省射洪市管网修复案例,对修复管道材料生产阶段、材料与设备运输阶段、施工阶段进行了碳足迹追踪。结果表明:材料生产阶段碳排放量为11263.14 kg CO2e,运输阶段碳排放量为134.78 kg CO2e,施工阶段碳排放量为539.12 kg CO2e,分别约占总碳排放量的94.35%、1.13%和4.52%。材料生产阶段碳排放量最大,是控制翻转式原位固化修复碳排放量的关键。对施工过程中材料与能源进行敏感性分析,发现树脂的敏感性最强,其次是无纺布,优化这2种材料或控制其使用量,将对降低翻转式原位固化工程的碳排放有重要作用。Abstract: From a sustainable development perspective, reducing the carbon emissions of municipal facilities is an important step towards the development of ecological civilization. Trenchless pipeline rehabilitation, which is energy-saving, environmentally friendly, and low-carbon, represents a major trend in the pipeline repairing industry. In this paper, based on a case of pipeline network repairment in Shehong City, Sichuan Province, carbon footprint tracking of the pipeline repair material production stage, material and equipment transportation stage, and construction stage was conducted. The results showed that the carbon emissions during the production stage were 11263.14 kg CO2e, while those during the transportation and construction stages were 134.78 kg CO2e and 539.12 kg CO2e, respectively, accounting for approximately 94.35%, 1.13%, and 4.52% of the total carbon emissions. Material production was found to be the largest carbon emissions stage, and thus it is the key to carbon emissions controlling in the CIPP process. Sensitivity analysis was conducted on the materials and energy used during the production. The resin was found to be the most sensitive, followed by non-woven fabric. Optimizing and controlling their usage will be important for reducing carbon emissions in cured-in-place rehabilitation of urban drainage pipeline.
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