摘要: 海绵城市建设是我国现阶段城市雨洪管理的发展方向之一。扎实推动海绵城市建设,是增强城市防洪排涝能力的有力保障。广州作为全国首批海绵城市建设试点城市,以"上中下游功能区协调、大中小海绵系统结合、灰绿蓝设施交融提升"为技术思路,以"污涝同治"为主要手段,运用"+海绵"理念,系统化全域推进海绵城市建设。结合广州市中心城区排水管控的实践经验和成效,从广州市污涝同治、巩固治水成效的全新视角,探讨智慧排水管控,以期为开展进一步智慧海绵建设工作提供参考。Abstract: The construction of sponge cities is one of the development directions for urban rainwater and flood management in China at present. Solidly promoting the construction of sponge cities is a powerful guarantee for enhancing urban flood control and drainage capabilities. As one of the first pilot cities for the construction of sponge cities in China, Guangzhou adopts the technical concept of coordinating upstream, midstream, and downstream functional areas, integrating large, medium, and small sponge systems, and enhancing the integration of gray, green, and blue facilities. It systematically promotes the construction of sponge cities with the main means of treating wastewater and rainwater together and the concept of "+sponge". This article summarizes the practical experience and effectiveness of drainage control in the central urban area of Guangzhou, and explores smart drainage control from a new perspective of sewage and flood control, consolidating the effectiveness of water control, in order to provide reference for further smart sponge construction.
Key words:
- sponge city construction /
- intelligent urban drainage
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