摘要: 水网络优化是解决工业园区水资源短缺和污染问题、提升工业生产节水减排能力的重要方法。近年来,在"碳达峰碳中和"目标背景下,全社会对碳排放问题的关注给水网络优化带来了新的机遇和挑战。以新鲜水用量最小、碳排放量最少、水处理成本最低为目标,考虑水量平衡、供需平衡、可供水量、非负和碳水关系指数约束,构建面向低碳约束的工业园区水网络优化模型,并采用遗传算法和理想点法求解。结果表明:在以电子信息行业为主的盐城市工业园区内,采用面向低碳约束的水网络优化方案预计可减少51%新鲜水使用量和65%碳排放量。工业园区水网络的节水减排降碳措施包括多级处理-多级回用、优化工艺流程、优化水泵运行与药剂投加等。研究为缺水城市工业园区水资源高效利用和减污降碳研究提供了方法支撑。Abstract: Water network optimization is an important method to solve the water shortage and pollution problems of industrial parks and improve the ability of water saving and emission reduction of industrial production. In recent years, the attention on carbon emission has brought new opportunites and challenges to the water network optimization under the background of the goal of "carbon peak & carbon neutrality". A water network optimization model under low-carbon constraints considering the constraints of water balance, supply and demand balance, available water supply, non-negative numbers, and carbon-water relation index was constructed and solved using genetic algorithms and ideal point methods. The objectives of the model were to minimize freshwater consumption, carbon emissions, and water treatment costs. The results showed that the water network optimization scheme under low-carbon constraints was expected to reduce fresh water consumption by 51% and carbon emissions by 65% in the Yancheng industrial park, focused on the electronic information industry. Measures for water saving and carbon reduction of the water network in industrial parks include multi-stage treatment-multi-stage reuse, optimization of process flow, optimization of pump operation, and chemical dosing. This research can provide support for the study of water saving, pollution, and carbon reduction in urban industrial parks.
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