摘要: 分流制系统雨水泵站排放造成雨天河道水质恶化,阐明其排放污染成因是削减雨天污染和改善河道水质的基础。针对上海市中心城区两个分流制系统,分别采用反向传播神经网络和径向基神经网络建立降雨、管网运行等11个参数和雨水泵站雨天排放水质的非线性响应关系,探究雨天排放污染的主要影响因素。结果表明:与反向传播神经网络相比,径向基神经网络具有较高模拟效果,COD、NH3-N和SS的平均绝对误差、均方根误差、平均百分比误差分别下降了15.6%~31.9%、12.3%~18.3%和12.6%~53.9%,决定系数提高了3.1%~5.4%。基于径向基神经网络对输入参数进行重要性分析,确定了5个优先参数,分别为距离上次开泵时间、开泵水位、峰值降雨量、前期不降雨天数、停泵水位。应开展雨污混接调查和实施雨污分流改造,从根本上减少旱天污水在管道沉积造成的雨天污染"零存整取"和污染效应放大。此外,通过优化雨水泵停泵水位,也可以削减雨天排放浓度。Abstract: Wet-weather discharges from stormwater pumping stations in separate stormwater drainage systems contribute to the deterioration of river water quality. Understanding the pollution mechanism of pumping discharge is the key to alleviating wet-weather pollution and improving water quality. To identify the dominant factors for controlling wet-weather discharge pollution, this study employed back propagation neural network (BPNN) and radial basis neural network (RBNN) models to establish the nonlinear relationships between 11 input parameters (i.e., rainfall and stormwater network operation) and the wet-weather discharge pollution from two pumping stations in separate stormwater drainage systems in downtown Shanghai. The findings indicated that RBNN performs better in simulating wet-weather pumping discharge pollution than BPNN. For water quality indicators of COD, NH3-N, and SS, the RBNN achieved a higher performance of 15.6% to 31.9%, 12.3%~18.3%, and 12.6%~53.9%, respectively than BPNN, measuring by average absolute error, root mean square error, and average percentage error, respectively. Coefficients of determination were improved by 3.1%~5.4% when comparing RBNN with BPNN. Moreover, the importance ranking of input parameters using RBNN identified five key parameters, including time duration between two consecutive pump operation events, wet-well water level for starting the pumps, peak rainfall intensity, antecedent dry-weather periods, and wet-well level for stopping the pumps. Actions should be taken to investigate the sewage sources illicitly discharging into storm drains and then correct these illicit discharges. These actions can eliminate the sewage accommodation and the corresponding accumulated pollutant deposits within the storm pipes on dry-weather days, which are inappropriately flushed into the receiving waters during the operation of wet-weather storm pumps. Therefore, the wet-weather discharge pollution would be obviously alleviated. Optimizing the in-pipe water level to stop stormwater pumps, can also aid in reducing the wet-weather discharge pollution.
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