摘要: 研究采用遥感分布式面源污染评估(DPeRS)模型,量化西安市2020年农业空间面源污染负荷排放量和入河量,对面源污染空间分布特征进行了解析,识别出西安市农业空间主要面源污染类型,提出了针对性的面源污染防治建议。结果表明:西安市农业空间农田氮磷盈余量较大且分布范围广;面源污染排放量空间分布差异明显,高值区主要分布在阎良区东部、高陵区东部、周至县和长安区平原地区、临潼区和蓝田县骊山丘陵地区,氮面源污染受农村生活影响较大,磷面源污染受水土流失影响较大;农业空间氮、磷面源污染入河量空间分布规律相似,但含量相差较大,高值区主要位于阎良区东部、临潼区中部和北部、蓝田县骊山丘陵地区、周至县中东部平原地区、秦岭浅山地区及部分峪道两侧。Abstract: The diffuse pollution estimation with remote sensing (DPeRS) model was conducted to quantify the agricultural spatial diffuse pollution load discharge and river inflow in Xi'an in 2020. The spatial distribution characteristics of surface source pollution were analyzed, the main types of non-point source pollution in the agricultural space of Xi'an were identified, and the targeted prevention and control suggestions for non-point source pollution were also provided. The results showed that the surplus of nitrogen and phosphorus in farmland of agricultural space in Xi'an was large and widely distributed. There were significant differences in the spatial distribution of non-point source pollution emissions. High-value areas were distributed in the east part of Yanliang District, the east part of Gaoling District, the plain area of Zhouzhi County and Chang'an District, and the Lishan hilly area in Lintong District and Lantian County. The nitrogen non-point source pollution is main affected by rural life, and the phosphorus non-point source pollution is mainly affected by soil erosion. The spatial distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus non-point source pollution into the river in agricultural space is similar, but the content is quite different. The high-value areas are located in the east part of Yanliang District, the middle and north part of Lintong District, the Lishan Mountain area of Lantian County, the central and eastern plain area of Zhouzhi County, the shallow mountain area of Qinling Mountains and both sides of some valley roads.
Key words:
- diffuse pollution /
- DPeRS model /
- agricultural space /
- Xi'an
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