摘要: 针对我国污泥体量大、处置能力不足的问题,对石灰干化污泥掺入烧结的新型资源化方法进行了研究。系统研究了不同污泥掺入量对烧结成矿性能、烟气颗粒物及二噁英类物质排放的影响。研究表明:污泥掺入量<1.8%时,烧结成品率和转鼓指数小幅降低,固体燃耗变化不显著,总体对成矿质量影响较小;烧结排放的PM10和PM2.5颗粒物排放浓度随着污泥掺入量的增加,呈先降低后升高的趋势,配入烧结可显著降低细颗粒物中K、Na、Pb、Zn和Cu含量;在烧结过程中,二噁英类物质总质量浓度及总毒性当量浓度随着污泥掺入量的增加,呈先缓慢减小后急剧增加的趋势。该方法能大体量、低成本利用石灰干化污泥,具有良好的推广应用潜力。Abstract: Aiming at the problems of large sludge volume and insufficient disposal capacity in China, this paper systematically studied the new lime drying sludge resource utilization method of sludge blending sintering, and comprehensively studied the influence of different sludge blending amounts on sintering mineralization performance, flue gas particles and dioxins emissions. The research showed that when the amount of sludge was less than 1.8%, the yield and drum index decreased slightly, the change in solid fuel consumption was not significant, and the impact on the quality of mineralization was small; the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 discharged from sintering decreased first and then increased, with the increase of sludge mixing amount. The method can significantly reduce the content of K, Na, Pb, Zn, and Cu elements in fine particles can be significantly reduced; the total mass concentration and total toxic equivalent concentration of dioxins decreased slowly and then increased sharply, with the increase of sludge volume. This method can use lime-dried sludge in large volume and at low cost, and have a good potential in real application.
Key words:
- lime drying sludge /
- sinter /
- particulate matter /
- dioxins /
- mineralization performance
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