摘要: 唐山作为重工业城市,其大气污染状况极易对当地及京津冀地区生态环境造成影响。设置23个采样点采集唐山大气降尘。结果表明:降尘中As、Cd、Pb、Cr、Ni、Cu和Zn的平均含量分别为12.89,1.90,158.06,88.00,33.13,65.67,933.65 mg/kg。其中Pb、Ni和Cr高值区主要分布在唐山主城区北部、中部和东南区域,As主要分布在北部和东南区域,Cd主要分布在西北部和中部区域,Zn主要分布在东北部区域,Cu高值区分布则较为分散。富集因子分析显示:As、Cr和Ni为轻度富集,Cu为中度富集,Pb为较高富集,Cd和Zn为严重富集。地积累指数评价结果表明:Ni、Cr和As元素污染程度为无污染到中度污染,Cu为中度污染,Pb为中度污染到强污染,Cd和Zn为强污染。对于儿童群体和成人群体,大气降尘中重金属元素的非致癌总风险(HI)顺序分别为Pb>As>Cr>Zn>Cd>Ni>Cu和 Pb>As>Cr>Cd>Zn>Ni>Cu;3种暴露途径均表现为手-口摄食途径风险最高,呼吸途径风险居中,皮肤接触途径风险最低。其中,儿童群体非致癌总风险(HI)为1.63,易对儿童身体健康造成危害;成人群体HI为0.223,表明其对成人健康影响较小。对Ni、Cr、As和Cd元素致癌风险进行计算,其值均在10-9~10-7,表明这4种元素通过呼吸途径不具有致癌风险。源解析结果表明,研究区Cr、Pb、Cu、Cd和Ni可能为交通和土壤的混合源,Zn可能主要来自工业源,As可能主要来自土壤和工业的混合源。Abstract: Tangshan as a heavy industry city, its air pollution is easy to affect the local and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region ecological environment.In order to study the pollution degree of heavy metals in atmospheric dust-fall in Tangshan and its health risk to the human body, 23 sampling points were set up to collect dust. The results showed that the average contents of As, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu and Zn in the atmospheric dust were 12.89, 1.90, 158.06, 88.00, 33.13, 65.67 and 933.65 mg/kg, respectively. The spatial distribution characteristics showed that the high-value areas of Pb, Ni and Cr were mainly distributed in the northern, central and southeastern parts of Tangshan, As is mainly distributed in the northern and southeastern parts, Cd is mainly distributed in the northwestern and central parts, Zn is mainly distributed in the northeastern parts, and the high-value areas of Cu are scattered. Enrichment factor analysis showed that As, Cr and Ni were mildly enriched, Cu was moderately enriched, Pb was highly enriched, and Cd and Zn were severely enriched. According to the evaluation results of the geo-accumulation index, the pollution degree of Ni, Cr and As elements ranged from no pollution to moderate pollution. The pollution degree of Cu element was moderate. The pollution degree of Pb element was moderate pollution to strong pollution. Cd and Zn elements were in a highly polluted level. For children and adults, the total non-carcinogenic risk (HI) of heavy metals in atmospheric dust was in the sequence of Pb>As>Cr>Zn>Cd>Ni>Cu, and Pb>As>Cr>Cd>Zn>Ni>Cu, respectively. The three exposure routes showed the highest risk of hand-mouth ingestion, medium risk of respiratory, and the lowest risk of skin. The total non-carcinogenic risk (HI) of children was 1.63, which was easy to cause harm to children's health. The total non-carcinogenic risk (HI) in the adult population was 0.223, indicating a small impact on adult health. The carcinogenic risk of Ni, Cr, As and Cd elements were calculated, and their values were all between 10-7 and 10-9, but not more than 10-6 and 10-4, indicating that these four elements had no carcinogenic risk through the respiratory pathway. The source analysis results indicate that Cr, Pb, Cu, Cd, and Ni in the study area may come from the mixed sources of transportation and soil, Zn may mainly come from industrial sources, and As may mainly come from mixed sources of soil and industry.
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