摘要: 气候变化是当今世界面临的最为重要和富有挑战性的问题之一,当前国际旅游业规模达上万亿美元,对环境具有重大影响,旅游业能源消耗和碳排放已成为影响全球气候变化的重要因素之一。基于武夷山旅游业的原始数据,分析了游客流量、来源、交通方式等旅游现状,将旅游活动分为交通、住宿、餐饮、游玩4部分,采用自下而上法的方式,计算了武夷山2019年和2020年的旅游碳足迹,并与其他地区研究结果进行对比分析。得出2019年的碳足迹为87.3万t,人均碳足迹53.7 kg/人;2020年的碳足迹为46.7万t,人均碳足迹43.3 kg/人。交通、住宿、餐饮、游玩的碳足迹比例约为14∶4∶1∶1。碳足迹降低的主要原因是交通碳排放降低,2020年旅游交通的碳排放(31.5万t)比2019年(62.0万t)减少近50%。武夷山的旅游碳足迹在全国范围内处于偏低水平,未来应重点关注旅游交通领域的碳减排。Abstract: Climate change is one of the most challenging issues today, and the scale of international tourism reaches more than one trillion US dollars, which also has a significant impact on the environment. Tourism energy consumption and carbon emissions have also become one of the important factors affecting global climate change. Based on the original data of the tourism industry in Wuyishan, this paper analyzes the current tourism situation, such as tourist flow, source, and mode of transportation, divides the tourism activities into four parts: transportation, accommodation, catering, and entertainment, calculates the tourism carbon footprint of Wuyishan in 2019 and 2020 using the bottom-up method, and compares it with the research results on other regions. The results showed that the carbon footprint in 2019 was 873000 tons, with a per capita carbon footprint of 53.7 kg/person; the carbon footprint in 2020 was 467000 tons, with a per capita carbon footprint of 43.3 kg/person. The carbon footprint proportion of transportation, accommodation, catering, and entertainment was approximately 14:4:1:1. The main reason for the reduction in carbon footprint is the reduction in transportation emissions. In 2020, the carbon emissions of tourism transportation (315000 tons) were nearly double that of 2019 (620000 tons). The tourism carbon footprint of Wuyishan is at a lower level nationwide. In the future, we should focus on carbon emission reduction in the field of tourism and transportation.
Key words:
- tourism industry /
- carbon footprint /
- Wuyishan
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