摘要: 人工鱼礁可以为鱼类等提供繁殖、生长、索饵和庇敌的场所,对海域生态优化、海洋环境修复、海洋牧场推广及海洋碳汇提升均具有重要意义。混凝土是人工鱼礁制备中应用最为广泛的材料,但是其制备成本较高,限制了人工鱼礁在海洋环境修复中的应用。针对我国海岸线长、人工鱼礁需求量大、制备成本高,同时基于我国工业固废产生量大、资源化利用率低的现状,综述了我国以粉煤灰、铁尾矿、钢铁渣等为代表的工业固废基人工鱼礁混凝土的研究现状,介绍了工业固废基人工鱼礁的制备方法、性能及其对海洋环境的影响,分析了工业固废基人工鱼礁应用的可行性,并对未来的研究方向提出了建议,以期为工业固废的大规模高值化利用和低成本工业固废基人工鱼礁混凝土的推广应用提供参考。Abstract: Artificial fishing reefs can provide breeding, growth, feeding, and shelter for fish and other species, and are of great significance for optimizing marine ecology, repairing marine environment, promoting marine ranching, and enhancing marine carbon sinks. Concrete is the most widely used material in the preparation of artificial reefs, but its high preparation cost limits the application of artificial reefs in marine environment restoration. In view of China's long coastline, large demand for artificial reefs, and high preparation cost, and based on the current situation of China's large production of industrial solid waste and low utilization rate of resources, this paper summarized the research status of industrial solid waste based artificial reef concrete represented by fly ash, iron tailings, steel slag, etc., and introduced the preparation methods, performance, and impact on the marine environment of the industrial solid waste based artificial reef. This paper also analyzed the feasibility of the application of industrial solid waste-based artificial reefs, and put forward suggestions for future research direction. It provides a new path for large scale high-value utilization of industrial solid waste, and a reference for promotion and application of low-cost industrial solid waste-based artificial reef concrete.
Key words:
- industrial solid waste /
- artificial reef concrete /
- preparation /
- performance /
- feasibility
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