摘要: 钢铁企业产生的烧结机头灰等固体废弃物钾含量较高,若不经处理直接作为炼铁原料返回烧结循环利用,不仅会影响烧结矿质量,还会导致高炉炼铁过程焦比升高、顺行受阻等问题。同时,我国钾矿储量不足,钾盐对外依存度超过1/2。针对上述问题,对钢铁除尘灰的处理和钾盐的生产消耗现状进行了简单介绍,深入剖析了含钾除尘作为烧结原料对炼铁过程的影响;介绍了转底炉回转窑处理除尘灰工艺,并指出其也会造成二次锌灰中K的富集;基于含钾除尘灰的理化特性及含钾物质存在状态,对采用“浮选-重选”和“水浸-分离-净化-结晶”2种工艺对含钾除尘灰中钾提取的研究进展进行了详细介绍。明确了若冶金烧结含钾除尘灰、转底炉和回转窑二次锌灰全部进行KCl的回收,有望使我国KCl的对外依存度降低20%左右,具有重要的意义。
- 含钾除尘灰 /
- 提钾 /
- 浮选-重选 /
- 水浸-分离-净化-结晶
Abstract: The solid waste, such as sintering machine head ash generated by steel enterprises has a high potassium content. If it is directly returned as ironmaking raw materials for sintering and recycling without treatment, it will not only affect the quality of sintered ore, but also lead to problems such as an increase in coke ratio and obstruction in the blast furnace ironmaking process. At the same time, China's potassium ore reserves are insufficient, and the external dependence of potash is higher than 1/2. Given the above problems, this paper first introduces the treatment of iron and steel dust and the production and consumption status of potassium salt, and deeply analyzes the impact of potassium dust removal as sintering raw material on the ironmaking process. After that, the dust removal process of the rotary kiln and rotary hearth furnace is introduced, which also leads to the enrichment of potassium in the secondary zinc dust. Finally, based on the physical and chemical properties and the existing state of potassium-containing substances in the dust, the research progress of potassium extraction from the potassium-containing dust by two processes of “flotation gravity separation” and “water leaching-separation-purification-crystallization” is introduced. If the potassium-containing dust from the sintering process and the secondary zinc dust from the rotary hearth furnace are all recycled for KCl, it is expected to reduce the external dependence proportion of KCl in China by about 20%. -
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