摘要: 我国水利工程建设从水患治理逐步走向水生态环境修复,工程建设始终发挥着重要的支撑作用。以深圳典型高密度建成区水库水源地生态库建设为例,通过工程建设前后监测和模型等方法,研究雨源型缺水超大城市生态库溢流截污对水源地水环境提升效果。结果表明:生态库建成后水源地各类污染物达标且水质平均提升3.6倍,受调水影响东湖区水动力和水质明显优于西湖区。初期雨水110 mm时和正常雨水40 mm时,可实施生态库集雨溢流入库,模型预测常雨工况库区水质优于初雨工况,初雨和常雨可显著提高水资源利用和水环境状况。生态库建成后,初雨和常雨入库使得水环境容量对现状分别提升4.7,3.3倍。研究对于水源型和水质型缺水发达城市水源地建设研究提供了科学依据。Abstract: China's water conservancy engineering construction has gradually shifted from flood control to water ecological environment restoration, and engineering construction always plays an important supporting role. This paper took the construction of an ecological reservoir in the water source area of Reservoir in a typical dense built-up area in Shenzhen as an example. The effect of ecological reservoir interception on the improvement of the water environment in water source areas in a megacity with water shortage was studied through the methods of monitoring and model before and after the construction of the project. The results showed that all kinds of pollutants in the water source area met the standards, and the water quality was increased by 3.6 times on average after the completion of the ecological reservoir. When the initial rainwater was 110 mm and the normal rainwater was 40 mm, rainwater collected by the ecological reservoir can be overflowed into the reservoir. The model predicted that the water quality of the reservoir area under the condition of normal rain was better than that of the initial rain condition, and the initial rain and normal rain could significantly improve the utilization of water resources and the water environment. After the construction of the ecological bank was completed, the initial rain and regular rain will increase the water environment capacity by 4.7 and 3.3 times, respectively. This study provides a scientific basis for the research on construction of water source areas in developed cities with water-source and water-quality water shortages.
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