摘要: 当前减污降碳协同控制大多关注国家或省级尺度,且聚焦单一环境介质,缺少城市尺度、多介质污染物与碳排放的协同性研究。分析了2013—2019年中国178个城市工业CO2排放与SO2、NOx、COD、NH3-N 4类不同介质污染物排放的协同度,并探究了影响协同度的社会经济因素。结果表明,工业CO2和各类污染物的年平均减排协同度呈现“N”型变化趋势。约40%的城市已实现工业协同减污降碳,约50%的城市只实现污染物减排,碳污均增排城市约占10%。加强政府政策力度是影响城市工业协同减污降碳的关键因素,且东、中、西部城市工业协同减污降碳的关键影响因素具有异质性。此外,鼓励科技创新和吸引人才回流是促进老工业城市协同减污降碳的关键因素。Abstract: Industrial activities of cities discharge large amounts of CO2 and pollutants. They are important sources of environmental pollution. Existing studies on the synergistic control of pollutants and CO2 emissions mostly focus on the national or provincial scale, as well as in a single environmental medium. It is necessary to investigate the synergistic nature of pollutants and CO2 emissions at the urban scale and across environmental media. This study analyzed the synergy degree between industrial CO2 emissions and the emissions of four pollutants to different environmental media(namely SO2, NOx, COD, and NH3-N) in 178 Chinese cities from 2013 to 2019. Moreover, the socioeconomic factors influencing the synergy degree were revealed.Resultsshowed that the annual mean synergy degrees of industrial CO2 and four pollutants emissions showed an “N”-shaped trend. Nearly 40% of the cities realized the synergistic control of industrial pollutants and CO2 emissions. Around 50% of the cities realized only industrial pollutants reduction. Unfortunately, about 10% of the cities have increased industrial CO2 and pollutant emissions simultaneously. Generally, strengthening government policies is a key factor influencing the industrial synergy degree. However, there is a spatial heterogeneity in the key factors influencing the synergy degree of eastern, central, and western cities. In addition, encouraging innovation and attracting talent are key factors in promoting synergistic control of pollutants and CO2 emissions in old industrial cities.
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