摘要: 近年来,以市政污泥与餐厨垃圾为代表的城市有机固体废弃物的安全妥善处理和高效低碳处置受到广泛关注。通过构建碳排放及碳补偿核算方法,以100万人口的中等城市为例,分析城市有机固体废弃物协同处置与传统焚烧和填埋处置的理论碳排放水平。通过量化直接碳排放与间接碳排放的贡献,确定了高效的减排路径。结果表明:城市有机固废协同处置碳排放量为513t CO2/a,相比于传统填埋(12973t CO2/a)和传统焚烧(14733t CO2/a)碳减排效益显著。协同处置技术路线中直接碳排放占比63%,最大限度实现沼气和发酵产物的资源化利用是碳减排的关键。焚烧处置路径中的焚烧电耗(占比68%)和填埋处置路径中的深度脱水药耗(占比87%)是间接碳排放的主要来源,也是碳减排的核心。该研究结果可为城市有机固体废弃物低碳化处理处置提供参考,从而助力城市实现碳中和目标。Abstract: In recent years, the safe and low-carbon treatment and disposal of municipal organic solid waste, such as municipal sludge and kitchen waste, has garnered significant attention. This study establishes an accounting methodology for carbon emissions and compensation by using a medium-sized city with a population of 1 million as a case study. Theoretical carbon emission levels for collaborative treatment, traditional incineration, and landfill pathways are analyzed to determine efficient emission reduction strategies through quantifying the contributions of direct and indirect carbon emissions. The results demonstrate that collaborative treatment of municipal organic solid waste yields significantly lower carbon emissions(513 t CO2/year) compared to traditional landfills(12973 t CO2/year) or traditional incineration(14733 t CO2/year). Direct carbon emissions in the collaborative disposal process account for 63%, emphasizing the importance of maximizing resource utilization through biogas production and fermentation products for effective carbon reduction. Indirect carbon emissions during incineration and landfill processes primarily stem from power consumption during incineration(68%) and deep dehydration agent usage during landfill disposal(87%), highlighting these areas as crucial focal points for reducing the overall carbon footprint. This study's findings provide valuable insights into low-carbon approaches towards treating municipal organic solid waste while aiding cities in achieving their goals of attaining carbon neutrality.
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