摘要: 2022年4月24日,生态环境部公布“十四五”时期“无废城市”建设名单。居民社区作为社会治理的重点场域,能否实现社区生活垃圾源头准确分类处理是影响生态环境友好“无废城市”建设与发展的关键环节。故有必要推动社区环卫一体化,建立智慧、科学、精细、清洁的社区生活垃圾智能分类基础设施体系。相关研究显示,随着垃圾分类政策法规文件逐步落实,各类生活垃圾占比也在逐渐发生变化,其中可回收物、厨余垃圾、有害垃圾占比逐渐提高,其他垃圾的占比逐渐降低,同时厨余垃圾纯净度的提升也为其焚烧发电之外的资源化利用途径奠定了基础。分析典型居民社区特点及其内部生活垃圾分类转运处理环节存在的突出问题,着眼于标准化、模块化、集成化的智能垃圾分类集成装备,与AI分类智慧大脑智能管理、调度、维护平台,提出了典型社区生活垃圾智能分类基础设施体系配置原则,并于北京市通州区马驹桥镇居民社区开展了布置案例分析。该研究结果可为推动京津冀及全国城市社区垃圾智能分类与清洁收集体系规划建设提供参考和依据。Abstract: On April 24, 2022, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China announced the construction list of "waste-free city" during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. As the key field of social governance, the accurate classification and treatment of community household waste sources is a key link affecting the construction and development of "waste-free city". Therefore, it is necessary to promote the integration of community sanitation and establish a smart, scientific, fine, and clean infrastructure system for intelligent classification of community household garbage. Relevant studies show that with the gradual implementation of garbage classification policies, regulations and documents, the proportion of all kinds of household garbage is also gradually changing. Among them, the proportion of recyclables, kitchen waste and harmful waste is gradually increasing, while the proportion of other garbage is gradually decreasing. Meanwhile, the improvement of the purity of kitchen waste also lays a foundation for its resource utilization beyond incineration and power generation. It analyzes the characteristics of typical residential communities and the prominent problems existing in the classification, transport, and treatment of domestic garbage inside them, focusing on the standardized, modular, and integrated intelligent garbage classification equipment and AI classification management, scheduling and maintenance platform, and puts forward the configuration principles of intelligent garbage classification infrastructure system in typical communities in Majuqiao Town of Tongzhou District, Beijing. This study can provide a reference and basis for promoting the planning and construction of intelligent garbage sorting and clean collection systems in urban communities in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other areas in China.
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