摘要: 城市污水处理厂的二级出水中含有大量条件致病菌,对人体健康构成了潜在威胁。以污水厂二级出水为处理对象,探究慢滤工艺在不同运行条件下(进水碳氮比、钙离子浓度、酸碱性)对水中条件致病菌(铜绿假单胞菌、军团菌和鸟分支杆菌)和溶解性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)的去除效能,并对条件致病菌的含量与DOC和大肠杆菌的浓度分别进行相关性分析。结果表明:在滤速5 cm/h条件下,改变进水水质条件,生物膜慢滤对条件致病菌和DOC的去除效果均优于无生物膜慢滤,当C/N为10,ρ(Ca2+)为60 mg/L,pH值为7时,生物膜慢滤对条件致病菌的去除效果最佳;在最佳运行条件下,生物膜慢滤出水中条件致病菌含量与DOC浓度呈正相关;除ρ(Ca2+)外,在其他最佳运行条件(C/N为10,pH值为7)下,生物膜慢滤出水中条件致病菌的含量与大肠杆菌浓度均呈正相关。综上,生物膜慢滤工艺可以有效去除二级出水中的条件致病菌和有机物,可作为二级出水深度处理的有效方式,并为再生水回用过程中的水风险提供安全保障。Abstract: The secondary effluent of municipal sewage treatment plants contains a large number of opportunistic pathogens, which poses a potential threat to human health. In this study, the efficacy of the slow filtration process on the removal of opportunistic pathogens (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Legionella, and Mycobacterium avium) and DOC in water under different operating conditions (influent C/N ratio, Ca2+ concentration, pH value) was investigated, and the correlation analysis between the removal of opportunistic pathogens and DOC and E. coli was conducted, respectively. The results showed that under the condition of a filtration rate of 5 cm/h and changing the influent water quality conditions, the effect of biofilm slow filtration on the removal of opportunistic pathogens was greater than that without biofilm slow filtration. When the C/N ratio was 10, Ca2+ concentration was 60 mg/L and pH value was 7, the best effect of biofilm slow filtration on the removal of opportunistic pathogens was achieved. Under the optimal operating conditions, the content of opportunistic pathogens in the effluent of biofilm slow filtration was positively correlated with the DOC content; except for the Ca2+ concentration, the content of opportunistic pathogens by biofilm slow filtration was positively correlated with E. coli in other operating conditions. In conclusion, the biofilm slow filtration process can effectively remove opportunistic pathogens and organic matter in secondary effluent, which is an effective way to treat the secondary effluent in depth and provide a safety guarantee for the water risk in the reuse process of reclaimed water.
Key words:
- secondary effluent /
- slow filtration /
- opportunistic pathogens /
- DOC /
- correlation analysis
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