摘要: 通过研究磷石膏基稳定材料在酸雨淋溶、淡水浸泡、碳化和冻融等极端情况下性能劣化后污染物浸出和现场路段主要环境敏感点污染物检出情况,评价其可能的环境风险。实验室劣化模拟试验分析表明:所有性能劣化试验浸出液中TP均满足GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类水质标准;重金属含量始终低于GB 3838—2002中Ⅰ类水质标准;在整个试验周期内,pH均优于普通水泥稳定材料;氟含量除了在碳化劣化之外,其他条件劣化后浸出液均满足GB/T 14848—2017《地下水质量标准》的Ⅳ类或GB 5084—2021《农田灌溉水质标准》。现场试验路段环境敏感点污染物检测结果表明:周边环境中氟化物浓度显著降低,土壤和周边地表水中TP及重金属浓度呈无规则统计规律,试验路段环境中TP及重金属浓度与磷石膏基稳定材料之间不存在明显的关联关系。因此,磷石膏基稳定材料应做好配方设计,科学管理施工过程,定期进行适当养护,才能在道路上推广应用时保持环境污染风险可控。Abstract: The possible environmental risks were evaluated by studying the pollutants leaching of phosphogypsum-based stabilized materials after degradation in extreme conditions, including acid rain leaching, immersion in freshwater, carbonization, and freeze-thawing, and the distribution of pollutants in the main environmentally sensitive points of the site road sections. The results of degradation simulation experiments in the laboratory showed that the total phosphorus in the leachate of all the performance degradation tests could reach the quality standard of Class Ⅳ of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838—2002). In the whole test period, the pH value of leaching from phosphogypsum-based stabilized materials was always better than that from cement-stabilized material and the heavy metal content was always better than that of Class Ⅰ in GB 3838—2002. The fluoride ion concentration of leaching was up to the quality standards of Class Ⅳ of Standard for Groundwater Quality (GB/T 14848—2017) or Standard for Irrigation Water Quality (GB 5084—2021) except for that of the leaching after degradation of carbonization. The analysis of the testing road section showed that the concentration of fluoride in the surrounding environment was significantly reduced, but the total phosphorus and heavy metal concentrations in the soil and surrounding surface water showed no statistical rules, all of which indicated the uncertain relationship between total phosphorus and heavy metal concentrations in the environment and phosphogypsum-based stabilized materials. Therefore, for phosphogypsum based stabilized materials, optimizing the formula design, scientifically managing the construction process, and appropriate maintenance can control the environmental pollution risk when being applied on roads.
Key words:
- phosphogypsum /
- stabilized materials /
- degradation /
- pollutant release /
- environmental risk assessment
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