摘要: 为解决当前我国再生水管网建设滞后难题,提高再生水利用效率,提出了利用供热管网输配再生水,分析了我国供热管网输配再生水的应用前景,识别了风险类型和主要风险因子,提出了管控措施建议。结果表明:化学腐蚀、生物腐蚀、结垢和"黄水"是供热管网输配再生水的主要风险。A级再生水是供热管网补水的优选水源。pH、无机盐和有机物是供热管网输配再生水用于工业的风险因子,营养物质、重金属是用于景观环境、城镇杂用和农业的风险因子。软化、脱氧和去除有机物是供热管网输配再生水风险管控必备措施。去除营养物质,控制重金属,降低拉森指数,按比例切换水源是各情景的针对性风险管控关键要点。结合太原市水质分析了主要应用情景与管控措施的可行性,可为城镇供热管网输配再生水提供理论依据和技术参考。Abstract: To solve the current problem of lagging construction of reclaimed water-supply networks in China, the distribution of reclaimed water using heat-supply networks was proposed. The application situations of reclaimed water distribution through a heat-supply network were analyzed, and the risk types and factors were identified, and then the control methods also were proposed. Chem-corrosion, bio-corrosion, scaling and yellow water were the main risks of the reclaimed water distribution by heat-supply network. Reclaimed water with grade A level could be the preferred water source for the heat-supply replenishment. The risk factors of the reclaimed water distribution by the heat-supply network for industrial reuse mainly included pH, inorganic and organic matters. Besides the above risk factors, nutrients and heavy metals were also included for the landscape environment, municipal and agricultural reuse. The essential control methods of the reclaimed water distribution by the heat-supply network were water softening, de-oxygen, and organic matter removal. In addition, the key control points for each situation were the removal of nutrients and heavy metals, reduction of Larsen index, and proportional switching of water sources. Then the feasibility of above application situations and control methods was analyzed in a case in Taiyuan as an example. It could provide theoretical basis and technical reference for the reclaimed water distribution by the heat-supply network.
Key words:
- reclaimed water /
- heat-supply network /
- application situations /
- risk /
- control
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