摘要: 为了解火电厂在全面实施"超低排放"后是否仍有必要采用高烟囱排放,以益阳电厂为例,用AERMOD模型模拟2种排放高度(210 m与60 m)在不同气象年对益阳市国控站点大气污染物浓度的影响。结果显示,无论在典型气象年还是不利气象年,临时烟囱(60 m)相比原烟囱(210 m)对各站点大气污染物浓度都有不利影响,导致典型气象年各污染物最大日均浓度增加8.82~20.19 μg/m3,最大年均浓度增加0.91~2.08 μg/m3,不利气象年的影响总体上大于典型气象年。同时,使用临时烟囱排放导致益阳市NO2最大占标率上升21.9%, PM2.5最大占标率上升11.4%,多个站点颗粒物超标天数增加≥2 d。考虑中国仍以煤电为主的现状,以及空气质量改善的迫切需求,因此应审慎考虑大幅降低排放烟囱的高度。Abstract: After the full implementation of ultra-low emission in coal-fired power plants, whether it is still necessary to adopt high stack emission has aroused extensive discussion. In this study, taking the Yiyang Power Plant as an example, the impact of six scenarios based on two emission heights (210 m, 60 m) on the concentrations of air pollutants at the state-controlled monitoring sites in Yiyang were simulated using the AERMOD model. The results showed that in both typical and unfavorable meteorological years, the temporary chimney with a height of 60 m has an adverse effect on the concentrations of air pollutants at each monitoring site, compared to the original chimney with a height of 210 m, resulting in an increase in the maximum daily concentrations of each pollutant in the range of 8.82 μg/m3 to 20.19 μg/m3, and an increase in the maximum annual concentrations of each pollutant in the range of 0.91 to 2.08 μg/m3, and the effect in unfavorable meteorological years was generally greater than that in typical meteorological years. At the same time, the change in emission altitude also has an important effect on the maximum occupancy rate of pollutants and the number of days of pollution exceedance in Yiyang. The maximum occupancy rate of NO2 and PM2.5 increased significantly, and the number of days of particulate matter exceedance increased by more than or equal to 2 days in several monitoring sites. Because coal-fired power generation is still the dominant power source of China, as well as the urgent need for air quality improvement, a significant reduction in the height of emission stacks should be considered prudently.
Key words:
- coal-fired power plant /
- AERMOD model /
- air quality /
- change in height of emissions /
- Yiyang
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