摘要: 考虑磷资源的不可再生性和不可或缺性,基于鸟粪石结晶法处理和回收磷石膏渗滤液中的磷具有重要的环境和经济意义。系统研究了湖北省某肥料厂磷石膏堆场渗滤液废水中高效回收磷的可行性和结晶参数优化。结果显示:改变单次磷回收结晶条件[pH、n(Mg)/n(P)和n(N)/n(P)],渗滤液中磷回收率最大值仅为67.8%。响应曲面设计实验进一步证实,参数因子增加到一定程度后,磷回收率随着pH、n(Mg)/n(P)和n(N)/n(P)的增加没有显著变化。综合考虑各因素对废水回收磷的影响,确定在磷石膏渗滤液中磷回收的最优条件参数为pH=8.6,n(Mg)/n(P)=1.6,n(N)/n(P)=1。采用分级结晶的方法,经过3次结晶,磷回收率达到97.9%。结合仪器表征和Minteq模型分析结果,磷回收阶段主要产物为鸟粪石以及少量的磷酸钙,且鸟粪石中重金属含量极低。Abstract: Considering the non-renewable and indispensable nature of phosphorus resources, the treatment and recovery of phosphorus from phosphogypsum leachate based on the crystallization method of bird droppings has important environmental and economic significance. This paper systematically studied the feasibility of recovering phosphorus in the phosphogypsum leachate from a fertilizer company in Hubei Province and the crystallization optimization. The results showed that the main reaction parameters posed a limited effect on obtaining a higher phosphorus recovery efficiency in a single reaction process, and the maximum phosphorus recovery efficiency was only 67.8%. The latter response surface design experimental results also confirmed that after a certain stage, the increase in pH, n(Mg)/n(P), and n(N)/n(P) did not significantly enhance the phosphorus recovery efficiency. Considering the influence of various factors on phosphorus recovery, the optimal condition parameters were determined as follows: pH=8.6, n(Mg)/n(P)=1.6, n(N)/n(P)=1. Finally, a graded crystallization method was adopted, and after three crystallization cycles, phosphorus recovery efficiency reached 97.9%. After characterizing the products in the phosphorus recovery stage through EPMA, XRD and Minteq modeling analysis, the products were mainly struvite with a small amount of calcium phosphate, and the heavy metal content in struvite was extremely low, ensuring its subsequent application safely in agricultural as a potential fertilizer.
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