摘要: 兰州市作为我国西部典型的工业城市,近年来臭氧(O3)污染较为显著,而挥发性有机物(VOCs)在O3和PM2.5等二次污染物生成中起关键作用。为研究兰州市VOCs污染特性和来源,分别选取中心城区东部兰州大学和西部西固炼化工业区监测站点的VOCs组分监测数据,基于PMF模型对2站点VOCs污染特性及来源进行研究和对比分析。结果表明:西固炼化工业区VOCs排放水平(年均值70.86×10-9)整体高于中心城区(年均值32.24×10-9),烷、烯、卤代烃是两区域主要的VOCs构成物种。其中卤代烃浓度超过中心城区2.5倍,烯烃、芳香烃浓度超过2倍,而炔烃的污染水平有所下降;整体上两区域VOCs浓度变化趋势均为冬、春季浓度高(中心城区12月最高,西固炼化工业区5月最高),夏、秋季浓度低(最低对应7月,8月);PMF源解析结果显示,机动车尾气源、油气挥发源以及有机溶剂使用源是中心城区3类主要的VOCs来源,而工业源是西固炼化工业区最重要的VOCs来源,因此兰州市VOCs减排控制重点为减少石油化工产业、机动车尾气以及溶剂使用等人为源排放。Abstract: As a typical industrial city in western China, Lanzhou is having significant ozone pollution situation in recent years, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play a key role in the generation of secondary pollutants such as O3 and PM2.5. To study the characteristics and sources of VOCs pollution in Lanzhou, this study selected the VOCs components monitoring data from the monitoring stations of Lanzhou University in downtown area and Xigu Refining and Chemical Industry Zone in the west, and conducted research and comparative analysis on VOCs pollution characteristics and sources of the two stations based on the PMF model. The results showed that the average annual value of VOCs in the central urban area was 32.24×10-9, with the highest concentration in December and the lowest in July; the average annual value of VOCs in the Xigu Refining and Chemical Industry Zone was 70.86×10-9, with the highest concentration in May and the lowest in August; alkanes, alkenes, and halogenated hydrocarbons were the main VOCs composition species in the two regions. The overall VOCs emission level of the Xigu Refining and Chemical Industrial Zone was higher than that of the downtown area, in which the concentration of halogenated hydrocarbons was 2.5 times higher than that of the central urban area, the concentration of olefins and aromatic hydrocarbon was more than 2 times higher, and the pollution level of alkynes was decreased. Overall, the trend of VOCs concentration changes in both areas was higher in winter and spring months, and lower in summer and autumn months. PMF source analysis results showed that vehicle exhaust gas source, oil and gas volatilization source, and organic solvents application source are the three main VOCs sources in the downtown area, while the industrial source was the most important VOCs source in Xigu Refining and Chemical Industrial Zone. Therefore, Lanzhou’s VOCs emission reduction control should be focused on reducing anthropogenic sources such as the petrochemical industry, motor vehicle exhaust, and solvent use.
Key words:
- atmospheric VOCs /
- PMF model /
- source analysis /
- pollution characteristics
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