摘要: 通过改变加热温度(80,100,120,140 ℃)、加热时间(50,70,90,110 min)和离心转速(3000,5000,7000,9000 r/min)等因素,探究了湿热处理对餐厨垃圾脱油性及理化性质的影响。结果表明:湿热处理有利于提高餐厨垃圾的提油率,在加热温度为120 ℃,加热时间为90 min和离心转速9000 r/min的条件下,提油率最高达到95.37%;同时,湿热处理增加了SCOD及VFAs浓度,两者相较空白组最高增加了49.01%和110.27%,促进了有机物水解。另外,通过气质联用仪发现湿热处理促进了长链脂肪酸的生成,其含量与空白组相比增加了77.18%~149.14%,提高了餐厨油脂用作生物柴油原料的潜力;由三维荧光光谱分析得出,湿热处理后溶解性有机物的转化趋势是将溶解性微生物副产物区物质降解为稳定的腐植酸类物质,有利于后续餐厨垃圾的堆肥利用,说明对餐厨垃圾进行适度的湿热处理可有效提高提油率、有机物水解能力与生物可利用效率。Abstract: The mechanism of the effect of hydrothermal treatment conditions on the degreasing properties and physical and chemical properties of food waste was investigated by varying the heating temperature (80, 100, 120, 140 ℃), heating time (50, 70, 90, 110 min) and centrifugal speed (3000, 5000, 7000, 9000 r/min). The results showed that the hydrothermal process was found to improve the oil extraction rate of food waste, which reached a maximum of 95.37% at a heating temperature of 120 ℃, a heating time of 90 minutes and a centrifugal speed of 9000 r/min; meanwhile, the hydrothermal process increased the concentration of SCOD and VFAs by up to 49.01% and 110.27% compared to the blank group, which promoted the hydrolysis of organic matter. In addition, the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry revealed that the hydrothermal process promoted the production of long-chain fatty acids, which increased by 77.18% to 149.14% compared with the blank group, improving the potential of kitchen grease as a biodiesel feedstock; the three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy analysis also showed that the transformation trend of dissolved organic matter after hydrothermal treatment was to degrade soluble microbial by-products into stable humic acid-like substances, which was conducive to the subsequent composting of food waste. It indicates that moderate hydrothermal treatment of food waste can effectively improve the oil extraction rate, organic matter hydrolysis capacity and bioavailable efficiency.
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