摘要: 有色金属采选冶固废产量大,通常含有多种重金属,兼具环境风险性和资源利用性。通过改进的层次分析法与Topsis计算方法,建立了采选冶固废资源环境属性解析方案,结合对15种典型固废的组成结构特征分析,可量化得到固废属性分值并指导其处理途径。结果表明:采矿废石和选矿尾矿等固废的资源属性强于环境属性,且建材化利用方向分值>0.5,表明其偏向建材化利用;污酸中和渣等硅钙基冶炼固废的环境属性强于资源属性,表明其环境污染风险较大,必须进行无害化处理;针铁矿渣等冶炼固废富含Fe、Zn等有价金属,且当前金属提取的经济技术可行性较高,资源属性强于环境属性,表明其偏向金属提取的资源化途径。其所建立的资源环境属性解析方法可为有色采选冶固废的处理和处置途径选取提供指导。Abstract: The production of solid waste from non-ferrous metal mining and smelting is large, usually containing multiple heavy metals, which have both environmental risks and resource utilization value. This article established a solution for analyzing the environmental attributes and resource attributes of solid waste through an improved analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the Topsis calculation method. Combined with the analysis of the composition and structural characteristics of 15 typical solid wastes, the solid waste attribute scores can be quantified, and their treatment paths can be guided. The results showed that the resource attributes of solid waste, such as mining waste and beneficiation tailings were stronger than environmental attributes, and the score of building materials utilization direction was greater than 0.5, indicating a bias towards building materials utilization; the environmental attribute of smelting solid waste, such as waste acid neutralizing slag was stronger than the resource attributes, indicating that its environmental pollution risk was high and must be treated harmlessly; smelting solid waste, such as goethite were rich in valuable metals such as Fe and Zn, and the economic and technological feasibility of metal extraction was high. The resource attributes were stronger than the environmental attributes, indicating its resource utilization approach for metal extraction. The established resource and environmental attributes analysis method can provide important guidance for the treatment and disposal of solid waste from non-ferrous mining, beneficiation, and metallurgy.
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