摘要: 当前水泥工业作为温室气体排放的重点行业,面临着CO2减排的巨大压力。近年来发展起来的石灰石煅烧黏土水泥是一种极具潜力的低碳水泥。原材料黏土和石灰石与建筑废弃物中的渣土和再生微粉具有类似的组成成分。以生命周期评价(LCA)方法为基本框架,通过建立产品的清单分析,评价了利用渣土和再生微粉为原料制备的建筑废弃物复合水泥在环境和经济方面的潜力。结果表明:建筑废弃物复合水泥的单位CO2排放量相比现有水泥产品可降低24%以上,生产成本可降低至少19%。未来水泥行业纳入碳交易体系,将进一步拉大建筑废弃物复合水泥与现有水泥产品的成本差距。Abstract: The cement industry, as a key industry for greenhouse gas emissions, is under enormous pressure to reduce CO2 emissions. Limestone calcined clay cement developed in recent years is a highly promising low-carbon cement, and its raw materials, clay and limestone has a similar composition to excavated clay and recycled concrete fines in construction and demolition waste. Using the life cycle assessment (LCA) method as a basic framework, this paper evaluated the environmental and economic potential of a composite cement made of the abovementioned construction and demolition waste by creating an inventory analysis of the products. The results showed that the construction and demolition waste composite cement (C3) can reduce CO2 emissions by more than 24%, compared to the existing cement products, and production costs can be cut down by at least 19%. The future inclusion of the cement industry in the carbon emission trading market will further widen the cost gap between C3 and the existing cement products.
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