摘要: 现有关于石油烃污染土壤热脱附修复的室内试验研究存在忽视土体天然结构、温控效果欠佳、较少考虑加热井和抽提井设计等问题,无法为原位热脱附修复技术设计提供很好的支撑。为克服以上难题,开发了一套新型的室内热脱附修复小尺寸模型试验装置,用于石油烃污染土热脱附修复试验。结果表明:污染土壤热脱附修复效果受热脱附温度和加热持续时间影响显著;不同位置处土壤的污染物去除率表现出较大的差异,距离加热管、抽提管和土层顶面越近,污染土壤修复效果越好;污染土壤试样顶部有无覆盖系统对其修复效果影响不大。研究还发现,热脱附修复后污染土壤中的颗粒组分、pH值和氮磷钾含量变化不大,而有机质含量和含水率则显著降低。开发的室内热脱附修复装置能够较好地服务于石油烃污染土壤原位热脱附修复技术,研究结果可为当前污染场地原位热脱附修复技术设计和场地环境评估提供参数依据。Abstract: The current research regarding the remediation of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) contaminated soils largely ignores the effect of soil structures, and cannot provide either good temperature control or reasonable design of heating and extraction tubes. To address this issue, a new bench-scale thermal remediation apparatus has been developed to conduct thermal remediation tests of TPH-contaminated soils. The test results showed that the remediation effect of TPH(C6 to C9) was significantly affected by the heating temperature and heating time. The thermal remediation effect of contaminated soils showed large divergence at different locations within the insulation tank, and a good remediation effect is usually accomplished by shorter distances from the heating tube, extraction tube as well as soil surface; the influence from top cover system of the soil surface was however limited. It was also found that the particle components, pH value, contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of the contaminated soils showed small changes after thermal remediation, and the content of organic matter and moisture content had been significantly reduced. The novel apparatus developed in this study is expected to contribute to the improvement of in-situ thermal remediation technology of TPH-contaminated soils. The findings are supposed to be useful for the selection of operating parameters of thermal remediation technology in the prescribed field as well as environmental assessment.
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