摘要: 结合开挖中试,对我国南方某生活垃圾填埋场进行约20万t存量垃圾的开挖大试,以探讨开挖工况和设计参数。结果表明:1)斗轮式挖掘机开挖效率低于50 t/h,作业连续性差。2)垃圾密度在原状体积下为1.04 t/m3,开挖后下降约34%,开挖前取样测得的密度值与开挖后的基本相等。3)装运效率平均为6车次/h,占设计值的46%,作业连续性主要受到发电厂内调度状况的影响。4)在1~18 h内,随着连续作业时间的延长,开挖效率总体上先升高再降低,在10 h处附近出现最大值。昼间、夜间和跨昼夜作业的开挖效率分布存在差异,宜选择跨昼夜作业。5)填埋场厂界和开挖面监测点位空气中6种污染物浓度水平总体上很低,但数据尚不足以用来分析开挖产生的影响。当单小时开挖量≥180 t时,应加强空气的快速监测。6)开挖后的渗滤液产生量和降雨量基本同步变化,与开挖前2个月的基本保持一致,初步说明开挖未引起渗滤液产生量的增加。该研究结果可为正式的开挖工程设计提供支撑。Abstract: To investigate the working conditions and design parameters of excavation of the existing municipal solid waste (MSW) from the landfill, a large-scale study of excavation was conducted on the landfill in southern China after the pilot-scale study. The results showed that: 1) the continuity of operations of the bucket wheel excavator was poor with an efficiency lower than 50 t/h; 2) the densities of waste samples after excavation were decreased by about 34%, compared to 1.04 t/m3 of that in the original condition; 3) the average efficiency of load was about 6 vehicles per hour, which composed 46% of the design value, and continuity of operations was mainly affected by the dispatch of the MSW incineration plant; 4) within 1 to 18 hours, with the extension of continuous operation time, the excavation efficiency generally increased and then decreased, with a maximum value appearing near 10 hours, and there were differences in the distributions of excavation efficiency among day, night and crossing-day-night, and it was advisable to choose crossing-day-night operation; 5) the concentration levels of six pollutants in the air of the monitoring points of the landfill boundary and the excavation area were generally low, but the data were not enough to analyze the impact of excavation, and the rapid monitoring of air should be strengthened when the weight of waste excavated on one hour exceeding 180 t; 6) the amount of leachate and rainfall changed synchronously after excavation, and the amount of leachate after excavation was consistent with the amount of the two months before excavation, indicating that excavation did not cause an increase in the amount of leachate. The above results could provide a reference for the formal design of excavation engineering.
Key words:
- the landfill /
- existing municipal solid waste /
- excavate /
- large-scale /
- impact analysis
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