摘要: 为研究该技术对不同氯代烃的去除效果,选取珠三角某氯代烃污染场地,采用化学氧化强化修复的常温解吸技术进行了小试试验和现场修复中试。结果表明:经过常温解吸技术,土壤中氯乙烯、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯污染物的平均去除率均高于80%,经过碱活化过硫酸钠化学氧化后,除了重度污染土壤中四氯乙烯外,土壤中污染物去除率均高于90%,不同污染程度土壤中氯乙烯、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯均达到修复目标值。现场修复后土壤氯乙烯、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯均达到修复目标值。污染物初始浓度对氯代烃的去除有较大影响,初始浓度越高,氯代烃解吸速率越高。工程实践表明,该强化常温解吸技术应用于氯代烃污染土壤修复是可行的。Abstract: To study the effect of this technology on the removal of different chlorinated hydrocarbons, a chlorinated hydrocarbon polluted site in the Pearl River Delta was selected, and laboratory experiments and pilot-scale field experiments were carried out using the room temperature desorption technology enhanced by chemical oxidation. The results showed that after room temperature desorption, the average removal rates of contaminants such as vinyl chloride, trichloroethylene, and tetrachloroethylene in the soil were all above 80%. After alkaline activation and sodium persulfate chemical oxidation, except for tetrachloroethylene in heavily polluted soil, the removal rates of contaminants in the soil were all above 90%. Different levels of pollution in the soil had achieved the remediation target values for vinyl chloride, trichloroethylene, and tetrachloroethylene. After on-site remediation, the soil chloroethylene, trichloroethylene, and tetrachloroethylene all reached the remediation target values. The initial concentration of contaminants has a great influence on the removal of chlorinated hydrocarbons. The higher the initial concentration, the higher the desorption rate of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Engineering practice has shown that the enhanced normal temperature desorption proposed in this study is feasible for the remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon polluted soil.
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