摘要: 综合Delphi法、层次分析法和五分制评分法建立了一套适用于从环境样品新污染物非靶向识别结果中优选需要开展定量检测因子的指标体系。研究制定了15个评价指标,并归为非靶向筛查结果、区域化学物质使用情况、环境关注度、生态环境风险和定量检测可行性等5个准则层指标群,通过权重计算和评价指标赋分,实现对环境样品新污染物非靶向识别结果中种类繁多的新污染物的量化优选,提高了环境新污染物研究的效率。通过对华南某地区一批环境样品非靶向筛查案例的应用,优选结果显示排名靠前的30种新污染物包括11种药物和个人护理品(含6种抗生素)、8种内分泌干扰物(含邻苯二甲酸酯类、双酚类、壬基酚类和异佛尔酮)、7种农药和4种全氟和多氟烷基化合物。Abstract: To develop an assessment system for evaluating the ranking of the quantitative detection list from the nontarget screening of emerging pollutants in the environmental samples, specific indicators were determined by Delphi method, and the weight of each indicator was calculated by analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and the evaluation index was quantified by five-point score system. This assessment system integrated three modules, i.e., the target, the criterion, and the index. From the perspective of nontarget screening, investigation of chemical substances, attention, ecological and environmental hazards, quantitative detection methods, etc., 15 evaluation criteria were identified and summarized into five groups, including results of nontarget screening, use of chemical substances, level of concern, ecological and environmental risks, feasibility of quantitative detection methods. The evaluation index was quantified and the weight of each index was assigned to assess the ranking of the quantitative detection list from the nontarget screening of emerging pollutants in the environmental samples. This system was then applied to a batch of environmental samples collected from South China. The top 30 emerging pollutants included 11 pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs), 8 endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), 7 pesticides, and 4 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs).
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