摘要: 为研究土壤胶体在不同水化学条件下对纳米塑料迁移性的影响,选取直径100 nm的聚苯乙烯纳米塑料,通过虹吸法提取土壤胶体,采用穿透试验,通过zeta电位和DLVO势能壁垒曲线揭示了纳米塑料在饱和多孔介质中迁移的相关机理。结果表明:纳米塑料的迁移能力随着溶液pH值增加而增大,随着IS增大而减小。pH和IS的变化改变了纳米塑料和玻璃珠的表面电荷,从而影响了颗粒间的相互作用能。pH值从4.0增大到9.0时(10 mmol/L NaCl,膨润土胶体),DLVO峰值壁垒从45.11 kT增大到61.89 kT,纳米塑料和玻璃珠的zeta电位显著降低,纳米塑料的可移动性增强,累计出流量从42.80%增加到62.21%。膨润土胶体和伊利石胶体均加快了纳米塑料在饱和多孔介质中的迁移,膨润土胶体对纳米塑料可移动性的影响更显著。研究结果可为纳米塑料在地下水土环境中的迁移提供有价值的见解,对于塑料污染防治具有重要意义。Abstract: To investigate the effect of soil colloids on the migration of nanoplastics under different hydrochemical conditions, Polystyrene nanoplastics (PSNPs) with a particle size of 100 nm were selected, and soil colloids were extracted by siphon method. The mechanism of PSNPs migration in saturated porous media was revealed by zeta potential and DLVO theory. The results showed that the migration of PSNPs was influenced by the pH and the ionic strength (IS). The mobility of PSNP increased with the increase of pH and decreased with the increase of IS. Variations in pH and IS altered the surface charges of both PSNPs and porous media thus affecting the interaction energy. As pH increased from 4.0 to 9.0 (10 mmol/L NaCl, bentonite colloid), the peak DLVO barrier increased from 45.11 kT to 61.89 kT, and the zeta potential was significantly reduced. The migration capacity of the PSNPs was improved, resulting in a rise in the outflow rate from 42.80% to 62.21%. Both bentonite colloids and illite colloids accelerated the migration of PSNPs in saturated porous media, whereas the effect of bentonite colloids on the mobility of PSNPs was more significant. The results provide valuable insights into the migration of PSNPs in subsurface soil and water environments, which is of great importance for the prevention of plastic pollution.
Key words:
- nanoplastics /
- migration /
- soil colloids /
- breakthrough test /
- mobility
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