摘要: 目前,滇池仍然存在有机污染压力,全面解析湖体化学需氧量(COD)特征和有机污染物来源,将有助于滇池的精准治理与污染防控。通过三维荧光光谱法分析滇池湖体有机物特征,并通过质量衡算分析2020年全年有机污染输入输出量。结果表明,滇池外海东部和西部的COD浓度较高,湖体有机质呈现自源性特征。全年有机污染输入总量约43648 t。其中,城市面源和微藻分泌的有机污染输入量分别占输入总量的34.6%和31.4%,是最主要输入源。输入总量的18.9%会积累在湖体中。为缓解滇池有机污染,需要加强城市面源控制、微藻捕捞和底泥疏浚等方面的措施。该结果将为滇池有机污染治理提供理论支持。Abstract: Organic pollution is still prevalent in Dianchi Lake. A comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and sources of chemical oxygen demand (COD) would contribute to the precise management and pollution prevention. The present work employed three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy to analyze the organic matter characteristics in Dianchi Lake and utilized mass balance calculations to assess the annual input and output of organic pollution in 2020. The results revealed that the COD concentrations were relatively higher in the eastern and western regions of Waihai, and the organic matter of the lake exhibited autogenous characteristics. The total input of COD throughout the year was estimated to be approximately 43648 tons. Urban non-point source pollution and carbon fixation by microalgae were the main inputs and accounted for 34.6% and 31.4% of the total input volume, respectively. Furthermore, 18.9% of the total input accumulated within the lake. To mitigate organic pollution in Dianchi Lake, measures such as strengthening urban runoff control, microalgal harvesting, and sediment dredging were necessary. These findings provided theoretical support for the management of organic pollution in Dianchi Lake.
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