摘要: 为探究动态混合的强化混凝效果及影响因素,借助在某给水处理厂设置的动态混合、静态混合和管式混合中试试验装置,开展了混凝效果对比试验。结果表明:综合混凝效果顺序为动态混合>静态混合>管式混合,其中动态混合的浑浊度及色度去除率分别可达91%、95%,絮体形态较大且密实,利于沉降,静态混合和管式混合的絮体相对较松散;动态混合及其他混合方式对CODMn、TOC的去除率仅为20%~35%;动态混合在较低PAC投加量(20 mg/L)条件下,对低温低浊水的处理效果较另两类混合方式更好,浊度去除率仍可达90%。流量、转速、涡轮转角、管道-涡轮直径比、安装距离等因素对动态混合影响研究表明,应用动态混合方式处理小流量工况时应搭配小转速且距絮凝池较近的安装距离,大流量则相反;建议选择较小涡轮转角(30°~45°),涡轮直径比对混凝效果无显著影响。Abstract: To explore the effect of dynamic mixing on strengthening coagulation and its influencing factors, a comparative test of the coagulation effect was carried out with the assistance of dynamic mixing, static mixing, and tube mixing pilot test equipment in a water supply plant. The results showed that the comprehensive flocculation effect was ranked as dynamic mixing>static mixing>tube mixing. The removal rates of turbidity and chroma of dynamic mixing could reach 91% and 95%, respectively. The floc form was large and dense, which was conducive to sedimentation. The floc of static mixing and tube mixing was relatively loose. The removal rate of CODMn and TOC by dynamic mixing and other mixing methods was only in a range of 20% to 35%. Dynamic mixing had a better treatment effect on low temperature and turbidity water at a lower PAC dosage (20 mg/L), and the turbidity removal rate can still reach 90%. The study on the influence of flow rate, speed, turbine angle, pipe-turbine diameter ratio, installation distance, and other factors on dynamic mixing showed that the application of the dynamic mixing method should be combined with a low speed and a short installation distance from the flocculation tank in the treatment of small flow rate, while the opposite is true for a large flow rate. It is recommended to choose a smaller turbine angle (30° to 45°), and the turbine diameter ratio has no significant influence on the coagulation effect.
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