摘要: 我国城市建设的高密度决定了溢流污水治理宜采用占地少的快速处理技术。构建以快速过滤为核心的溢流污水处理工艺,考察了滤料种类、过滤速度、填充量等因素对过滤效果的影响,并在材料表征及机理分析的基础上研究了不同过滤材料效果差异的原因。结果表明:聚酯纤维球和亲水性聚氨酯海绵在20,40 m/h滤速条件下均表现出良好且稳定的过滤效果,聚丙烯PP棉仅在20 m/h滤速条件下具有良好且稳定的过滤效果。在150%填充量条件下,3种滤料均表现出良好的过滤效果。污染物的去除完全取决于悬浮物的去除,因此过滤性能可等同于悬浮物去除性能。中试试验中,以聚酯纤维球为主要滤料,在40 m/h滤速条件下,对COD、SS的平均去除率分别为47.98%、82.37%。为现有成熟高分子弹性材料作为滤料与快速过滤工艺相结合应用于溢流污水处理相关研究提供参考。Abstract: The high density of urban construction in China determines that the treatment of overflow sewage should adopt rapid treatment technology with less land occupation. This study constructs an overflow sewage treatment process with rapid filtration as the core, investigates the influence of factors such as filter material type, filtration speed, and filling amount on the filtration effect, and studies the reasons for the differences in filtration effects of different filtration materials based on material characterization and mechanism analysis. The results showed that both polyester fiber balls and hydrophilic polyurethane sponge exhibited good and stable filtration effects at filtration speeds of 20 m/h and 40 m/h, while polypropylene PP cotton only had good and stable filtration effects at filtration speeds of 20 m/h. Under the condition of a 150% filling amount, all three filter medias showed good filtration effect. The removal of pollutants depends entirely on the removal of suspended solids, therefore filtration performance is equivalent to suspended solids removal performance. In the pilot experiment, polyester fiber balls were used as the main filter material, and under a filtration rate of 40 m/h, the average removal rates of COD and SS were 47.98% and 82.37%, respectively. Provide reference for the application of mature polymer elastic materials as filter material combined with rapid filtration technology in overflow wastewater treatment related research.
Key words:
- overflow sewage /
- rapid filtration /
- filter material /
- filtration speed /
- filtration effect
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