摘要: 化粪池是城市粪便污水系统温室气体的主要排放源,但目前人们对化粪池温室气体的排放特征仍不太了解,碳排放核算也缺乏基础参数。夏季是化粪池温室气体排放的主要季节,通过试验模拟了华北某小区夏季化粪池对实际生活污水的厌氧降解过程,考察了温室气体的排放特征和影响因素,并测算了该小区化粪池的CH4排放因子。结果表明,25~28 ℃时,模拟化粪池系统对COD和VFA的去除率分别为53.4%~76.9%和13.6%~24.9%,其CH4和CO2排放强度分别为3.1~8.1 mg/L和10.3~16.7 mg/L;化粪池对COD的去除率随化粪池底部沉积物的增多、进水水量降低及水温的升高而增大,CH4排放强度呈现相同的规律,沉积物高度、进水流量对化粪池CO2的排放强度影响较小,但是水温升高后CO2的排放强度将明显增加;化粪池排放的CH4主要以气态形式存在于反应器的顶部空间,CO2主要溶解于液相,随水流排出;在28 ℃和25 ℃条件下,化粪池去除单位质量(1 kg) COD产生的CH4量分别为0.103 kg和0.077 kg,排放的CH4量分别为0.029 kg和0.021 kg,居民人均CH4产量分别为12.36 g CH4/(cap·d)和9.24 g CH4/(cap·d)。Abstract: Septic tanks are the main source of greenhouse gas emissions from urban fecal and sewage systems, but the emission characteristics of greenhouse gases from septic tanks are still poorly understood, and carbon emission accounting lacks basic parameters. Summer is the prime season for GHG emissions from septic tanks. In this study, the anaerobic degradation process of actual domestic wastewater from septic tanks in summer in a community in North China was simulated through experiments to investigate the GHG emission characteristics and influencing factors, and the CH4 emission factor of septic tanks in this community was measured. The results showed that the removal rates of COD and VFA in the simulated septic tank were 53.4% to 76.9%, and 13.6% to 24.9%, respectively, when the water temperature was 25 to 28 ℃, and its CH4 and CO2 emission intensities were 3.1 to 8.1 mg/L and 10.3 to 16.7 mg/L, respectively. The removal of COD by septic tanks increased with the increase of sediment mass in the septic tanks, the decrease of influent flow and the increase of water temperature, and CH4 emission intensity showed the same trends. However, the sediment mass and influent flow had less influence on CO2 emission intensity from the septic tank, but CO2 emission intensity increased significantly when the water temperature increased. CH4 emitted from the septic tank mainly existed in the headspace of the reactor. While CO2 was mainly dissolved in the liquid and discharged with the effluent. The CH4 production by the septic tanks to remove 1 kg of COD was 0.103 kg and 0.077 kg, respectively under the conditions of 28 ℃ and 25 ℃, and the amount of CH4 discharged was 0.029 kg and 0.021 kg, respectively, and the average CH4 production rates were 12.36 g CH4/(cap·d) and 9.24 g CH4/(cap·d), respectively.
Key words:
- septic tanks /
- greenhouse gases /
- sediment /
- emission characterization /
- CH4 emission factors
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