摘要: 新冠肺炎疫情期间,全球医疗废物产生量急剧增加,同时也暴露出医疗废物应急处置缺陷。目前我国医疗废物常规处置需求已基本满足,但在应急情况、边远地区处置方面仍存在设施储备不足、管理依据缺失等问题。应对此问题,医疗废物小型化原位处置技术被广泛研发并投入应用,以解决部分地区医疗废物应急处置、远距离运输以及产生源分散等带来的环境与健康风险。基于我国医疗废物处置现状,梳理现存问题,比较分析了医疗废物小型化原位处置技术,并结合医疗废物集中处置方面的商业模式,对小型化原位处置商业模式进行探讨,以期为医疗废物小型化原位处置技术的应用与推广提供参考。Abstract: During the COVID-19 epidemic, the global generation of medical waste increased rapidly, and the shortcomings of emergency medical waste disposal were exposed. Currently, the demand for conventional medical waste disposal in China has been basically met. However, there are still problems such as insufficient facility reserves and a lack of management basis in emergency situations and disposal in remote areas. In response to this problem, the miniaturized in-situ disposal technology of medical waste has been widely developed and put into application, to solve the environmental and health risks caused by emergency response, long-distance transportation, and source dispersion in some areas of medical waste. Based on the current situation of medical waste disposal in China, this paper sorts out the existing problems, compares and analyzes the miniaturized in-situ disposal technology of medical waste, and discusses the business model of miniaturized in-situ disposal in combination with the business model of centralized medical waste disposal, to provide a reference for the application and promotion of miniaturized in-situ disposal technology of medical waste.
Key words:
- medical waste /
- emergency disposal /
- in-situ disposal technology /
- business model
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