摘要: 为研究入库河流污染物削减问题,以深圳市宝安区铁岗水库为研究对象,结合入库河流水质及现有水质提升工程现状,提出以"调蓄+处理+转输"工艺流程处理流域内面源污染,并对工艺处理结果进行分析。结果表明:铁岗水库4条入库河流污染物含量均超出GB 3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅴ类水质标准,入河流域内有6.5万m3初雨面源污染未得到解决。通过6个调蓄池收集6.5万m3初期雨水调蓄后,采用A2/O生物反应池+高密度沉淀池+模块化明渠式紫外线消毒装置工艺进行处理;初期雨水中COD去除率达86.9%,BOD5、NH3-N、TN及TP去除率均达到94%以上,水质达到GB 3838—2002 Ⅳ类水质标准,可直接补给入库河流。Abstract: To study the efficient reduction of pollutants in inflow rivers, this paper took the Tiegang Reservoir in Bao’an District of Shenzhen as the research object, combined with the water quality of inflow rivers and the implementation status of the existing water quality improvement projects, proposed a process of "regulation and storage + treatment + transferring" to treat non-point source pollution in the basin, and analyzed the treatment results of this process. The results showed that the pollutant concentration of the four rivers flowing into the Tiegang Reservoir exceeded the Class Ⅴ in Surface Water Quality Standard of China (GB 3838—2002),and in the river basin, the non-point source pollution of 65000 m3 of initial rainfall water had not been resolved. The project set up six storage tanks to collect the 65000 m3 of initial rainfall water. After storage and regulation, the process of "A2/O biological reaction tank + high-density sedimentation tank + modular open channel ultraviolet disinfection device" was adopted for treatment; after treatment, the removal rate of COD in the initial rain reached 86.9%, and the removal rates of BOD5, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus all reached more than 94%. The water quality met the class Ⅳ surface water quality standard, and could directly feed the reservoir inflow river.
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