摘要: 活性炭对不同污染物的吸附去除存在较大差异,对市场商用活性炭进行了典型油气组分间二甲苯吸附去除综合性能评价,并进行吸附性能的系统考察。以6种不同基质材质的活性炭为原料,通过设计间二甲苯静态吸附实验,结合活性炭物理、化学性质的表征和对比,综合筛选出吸附性能最优的活性炭进行动态吸附研究,探究了不同间二甲苯气体流速、进口浓度和床层高度对活性炭吸附性能的影响。结果表明:6种活性炭比表面积为851~1851 m2/g,孔体积为0.047~0.698 m3/g,平均孔径为3.0~4.3 nm,对间二甲苯静态吸附量为253.5~870.7 mg/g。同时,具有微-介孔结构的AC-6活性炭具有最大的间二甲苯静态吸附量870.7 mg/g,最大的比表面积1851 m2/g,孔体积0.698 m3/g和平均孔径4.3 nm,同时含有羟基、羧基、酯基等丰富的表面官能团;对AC-6活性炭进行动态吸附实验,将活性炭床高度从0.6 cm 增加至1.0 cm时,饱和吸附量从436.6 mg/g增至465.4 mg/g;增加进气流量,饱和吸附量由473.1 mg/g降低至430.9 mg/g;提高进口浓度,饱和吸附量从468.0 mg/g降低至386.7 mg/g,间二甲苯进口浓度对吸附性能影响较大。木质AC-6对间二甲苯的吸附动力学更符合准一级动力学模型,Langmuir吸附等温模型能更好地描述活性炭对间二甲苯的吸附过程。Abstract: Different activated carbon (AC) exhibits significant differences in the adsorption and removal of different pollutants. This article comprehensively evaluated the performance of commercial AC in the adsorption and removal of typical gasoline vapor m-xylene, and systematically investigated their adsorption performance. Selecting six ACs with different matrix materials as the research object, the static adsorption experiments were designed and by combining the characterization of physical and chemical properties of activated carbon, the AC with the best adsorption performance was used in dynamic adsorption studies, to explore the influence of gas flow rate, inlet concentration, and bed height on the adsorption performance. The results showed that the specific surface areas of the six ACs were from 851 m2/g to 1851 m2/g, pore volumes were spanning 0.047 m3/g to 0.698 m3/g, average pore sizes were between 3.0 nm and 4.3 nm, and the static adsorption capacities for m-xylene were ranging from 253.5 mg/g to 870.7 mg/g. AC-6 with a micro-mesoporous structure demonstrated the highest static adsorption capacity for m-xylene. It boasted a maximum specific surface area of 1851 m2/g, a pore volume of 0.698 m3/g, and an average pore size of 4.3 nm. Furthermore, AC-6 featured a rich array of surface functional groups, including hydroxyl, carboxyl, and ester groups. In dynamic adsorption experiments with AC-6, increasing the bed height from 0.6 cm to 1.0 cm resulted in a rise in saturated adsorption capacity from 436.6 mg/g to 465.4 mg/g. Increasing the gas flow rate, the saturated adsorption capacity was reduced from 473.1 mg/g to 430.9 mg/g; and increasing the inlet concentration, the saturated adsorption capacity was reduced from 468.0 mg/g to 386.7 mg/g, indicating that the import concentration of m-xylene had a significant impact on the adsorption performance. The adsorption kinetics of AC-6 on m-xylene complied with the Pseudo-first-order kinetic model, and the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model could better describe the adsorption process of AC on m-xylene.
Key words:
- activated carbon /
- m-xylene /
- static adsorption /
- dynamic adsorption /
- saturated adsorption capacity
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