摘要: 污水处理行业是全球十大温室气体排放行业之一,近年来城市污水系统甲烷的排放问题受到了广泛关注。归纳了城市污水系统甲烷排放现状,包括溶解性、逸散性甲烷监测方法与排放规律,总结了城市污水系统内甲烷生成和逸散机制,讨论其在污水管网和污水处理厂内不同的影响因素,为城市污水系统甲烷的监测、甲烷排放评价体系的建立、甲烷控制技术的提出,乃至未来城市污水系统的低碳设计与管理提供依据与思路。Abstract: The sewage treatment industry is one of the top ten greenhouse gas emission industries in the world. In recent years, the emission of methane in urban sewage systems has received widespread attention. This paper summarizes the current status of methane emissions in urban sewage systems, including the monitoring methods and emission laws of soluble and fugitive methane, summarizes the methane generation and emission mechanisms in urban sewage systems, and discusses the different influencing factors in sewage pipe networks and sewage treatment plants. It provides the basis for the monitoring of methane in urban sewage systems, the establishment of a methane emission evaluation system, the proposal of methane control technology, and even the low-carbon design and management of urban sewage systems in the future.
Key words:
- sewage system /
- methane /
- generation /
- emission /
- soluble methane /
- fugitive methane
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