摘要: 调蓄池是城市水环境治理的重要设施。目前,截流式合流制调蓄池在工程应用中主要关注截污效果、造价和用地等方面,较少涉及碳排放和整体效益分析。为进一步探究调蓄池截污效果和碳产排情况及其之间的关系,以苏中某市为例,通过实地监测溢流污水,利用SWMM建立溢流污染计算模型,模拟不同规模的末端集中式和沿线分散式调蓄池的污染物控制效果,并在此基础上计算各方案下全生命周期的碳排放。结果表明:尽管分散调蓄截污效果较好,但总碳排放量更大,且随着调蓄池规模增加,分散调蓄的碳排放增量相比集中调蓄进一步扩大。该结果为城市水务系统的绿色发展和碳减排目标的实现提供了参考,建议在未来城市截污调蓄池设计建设时,要综合考量节能减排与提高效能,以实现整体效益最大化。Abstract: Detention tanks are crucial facilities in urban water environment management. Currently, the engineering application of interception-type combined sewer overflow (CSO) detention tanks primarily focuses on pollutant reduction efficiency, cost, and land use, with limited consideration on carbon emissions and overall benefits analysis. To further investigate the relationship between the pollutant reduction effectiveness of detention tanks and their carbon emissions, this study, taking a city in central Jiangsu province as a case, conducted field monitoring of CSO and utilized the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to establish a CSO pollution calculation model. The model simulated the pollutant control effects of end-of-pipe centralized detention tanks and distributed detention tanks of various sizes along the drainage system. Based on these simulations, the study calculated the life cycle carbon emissions for each scheme. The results indicated that although distributed detention tanks were more effective at pollutant reduction, resulting in higher overall carbon emissions. Moreover, as the size of the detention tanks increased, the carbon emission increment of the distributed detention tanks further exceeded that of the centralized detention tanks. These findings provide a reference for the green development of urban water systems and the achievement of carbon reduction goals. It is recommended that future design and construction of urban CSO detention tanks comprehensively consider energy conservation, emission reduction, and efficiency improvement to maximize their overall benefits.
Key words:
- detention tank /
- carbon emissions /
- combined sewer overflow (CSO) /
- SWMM /
- pollutants reduction
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