摘要: 东方市污水处理厂采用奥贝尔氧化沟工艺,设计能力为25000 m3/d,现有工艺存在设备故障率高、能耗高、药剂投加量大的问题。在《海南省碳达峰实施方案》《海南省减污降碳协同增效实施方案》文件指导下,将现有工艺更新改造为AAO工艺,采用空气悬浮鼓风机替换了转碟曝气机,将表面曝气方式改为底部曝气方式。在未新增生化处理构筑物的前提下,将该厂的污水处理负荷率提高了28%,改造后该厂的处理能力为30250 m3/d,有效节省了污水处理厂扩容的投资;通过更新改造,将该厂的平均能耗下降了24%,改造后的平均能耗为0.292 kW·h/m3,年节约电能为1026836 kW·h,电源消耗方面的降碳量为813356.8 kg CO2,改造后该厂的碳排放强度为0.4634 kg CO2-eq/m3,年碳排放量为0.5117万t CO2-eq,碳排放强度降低了18.5%;更新改造降低了该厂的平均药耗,PAC的平均消耗量为158.30 g/m3,降低了12.4%;乙酸钠的平均消耗量为13.99 g/m3,降低了9.0%。污水处理厂的减污降碳协同增效以智慧控制系统作支撑,可使得污水处理厂运行更节能、更低碳、更高效。Abstract: The Dongfang Wastewater Treatment Plant has adopted the Orbal oxidation ditch process, with a design capacity of 25000 m3/d. However, the existing process has encountered issues such as high equipment failure rates, excessive energy consumption, and large chemical usage. In response to the "Implementation Plan of Carbon Peak in Hainan Province" and "Implementation Plan of Collaborative Efficiency of Carbon Reduction in Hainan Province", the plant underwent an renewal and transformation to implement a new AAO process. This involved replacing the rotating disc aerator with an air suspension blower and changing the surface aeration mode to bottom aeration mode. Without introducing new biochemical treatment structures, these modifications increased the sewage treatment load rate by 28%, resulting in a treatment capacity of 30250 m3/d after transformation. This effectively saved investment for expanding the capacity of the sewage treatment plant. As a result of these renovations, average energy consumption of the plant was reduced by 24%, with a post-transformation average energy consumption of 0.292 kW·h/m3,leading to an annual energy saving of 1026836 kW·h. After the transformation, the carbon emission intensity of the plant amounted to 0.4634 kg CO2-eq/m3, the annual carbon emission reached 51,17 t CO2-eq, and a reduction of 18.5% in carbon intensity was achieved. Furthermore, there was a reduction in average chemical drug consumption at the plant. Average PAC consumption decreased by 12.4% to an average of 158.30 g/m3, while sodium acetate consumption decreased by 9%, to an average of 13.99 g/m3. To achieve collaborative efficiency in pollution reduction and carbon reduction at sewage treatment plants, it is essential to integrate intelligent control systems that enable more efficient perception and powerful logic calculation.
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