摘要: 在满足年径流总量控制率的目标下,不同LID设施组合的全生命周期碳排放量不相同。为获得小区LID设施的低碳组合布置方案,将LID设施全生命周期的碳排放量和径流总量控制量的比值定义为径流总量控制量碳排放强度,构建了LID设施组合优化布置模型,以甘肃省天水市某居住区为研究对象,对单一LID设施的碳排放强度进行研究,并采用响应面法优化了小区LID设施组合方案。单一LID设施研究表明:绿色屋顶的碳排放强度最小,为-0.85~-3.38 kg CO2/m3,透水铺装的最大,为0.26~0.77 kg CO2/m3。组合方案的优化结果表明:绿色屋顶占屋面面积54.93%、透水铺装占路面面积66.90%、雨水花园占绿地面积36.30%时,小区LID设施碳排放强度最小,为-1.58 kg CO2/m3,年径流总量控制率为91.85%。从低碳建设的角度出发,应优先布置最大面积比例的绿色屋顶,在年径流总量控制量达不到要求时,再优先考虑增加适当面积的雨水花园,透水铺装最后考虑。研究成果为低影响开发设施的低碳布置提供了理论基础和技术支撑。
- LID设施组合 /
- 径流总量控制量碳排放强度 /
- 全生命周期碳排放 /
- 响应面法
Abstract: Under the goal of satisfying the total annual runoff control rate, the full life cycle carbon emissions of different LID facility combinations are not the same. In order to obtain a low-carbon combination arrangement scheme of LID facilities in a residential area, the ratio of the whole life cycle carbon emissions of LID facilities to the total runoff control volume was defined as the carbon emission intensity of total runoff control volume, and a model of optimal arrangement of LID facility combinations was constructed to study the carbon emission intensity of a single LID facility in a residential area in Tianshui City, Gansu Province, the research object, and the response surface method was used to optimize the LID facility combination scheme for the residential area. The results of the single LID facility study showed that the carbon emission intensity of green roof was the smallest, ranging from -0.85 kg CO2/m3 to -3.38 kg CO2/m3, and that of permeable paving was the largest, ranging from 0.26 kg CO2/m3 to 0.77 kg CO2/m3. The optimization results of the combination scheme showed that the green roof accounted for 54.93% of the roofing area, permeable paving accounted for 66.90% of the paving area, and rain gardens accounted for 36.30% of the green space area, and then the carbon emission intensity of the community LID facilities was the smallest, -1.58 kg CO2/m3, and the total annual runoff control rate was 91.85%. From the perspective of low-carbon construction, a large area proportion of green roofs should be arranged with the highest priority; and when the total annual runoff control rate fails to meet the requirements, priority should be given to increasing rain garden area appropriately; and permeable paving should be considered last. The research results provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the low-carbon arrangement of low-impact development facilities. From the perspective of low-carbon construction, priority should be given to the arrangement of green roofs with the largest area proportion. When the total annual runoff control rate cannot meet the requirements, priority should be given to rain gardens with appropriate areas, and permeable pavement should be less considered. The research results provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the low-carbon layout of low impact development facilities. -
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