摘要: 基于上海某典型深度处理给水厂2020—2023年间每月监测和运行管理数据,采用排放因子法对水厂碳排放进行系统的碳核算,揭示了给水厂的碳排放组成和变化趋势。结果表明:从2020到2023年,水厂取供水量逐年上升,碳排放总量逐年增加,年均碳排放总量为14972.84 t CO2-eq,碳排放强度为0.2240 kg CO2-eq/m3。从组成上看,取水泵房、常规处理和药剂使用3个环节是碳排放的主要来源,分别占比29.02%、36.69%和17.40%。从变化上看,电力碳排放强度在全年相对稳定,药剂碳排放强度在全年呈显著的季节性波动,碳排放强度高峰主要出现在第1季度和第3季度。结合气候、水质指标对碳排放强度进行回归分析和相对重要性分析,回归模型对电力和混凝剂碳排放强度的变化差异解释性较好,其中原水量是影响电力碳排放强度的显著因素,混凝剂碳排放强度受原水量和水温的显著影响。给水厂可以结合碳排放关键节点的组成和月度变化特征,制定相应的节能减碳方案。Abstract: This study conducted a systematic carbon accounting for a typical deep treatment waterworks in Shanghai based on monthly monitoring and operational data from 2020 to 2023, using the emission factor method, to reveal the composition and trend of carbon emissions in the waterworks. The results showed that the water intake and supply volume increased year by year from 2020 to 2023, and the total carbon emissions increased year by year, with an average annual total carbon emissions of 14,972.84 t CO2-eq, and a carbon emission intensity of 0.2240 kg CO2-eq/m3. From the perspective of compositions, the pumping stations, conventional treatment, and chemical use were the main sources of carbon emissions, accounting for 29.02%, 36.69%, and 17.40%, respectively. From the perspective of seasonal changing trend, the carbon emission intensity of electricity was relatively stable throughout the year, while the carbon emission intensity of chemicals showed significant seasonal fluctuations, with peak emission intensity mainly appearing in the first and third quarters. By conducting regression analysis and relative importance analysis on carbon emission intensity based on climate and water quality indicators, the regression model was found good in explaining the changes in electricity and coagulant carbon emission intensity, with the water intake being a significant factor of electricity carbon emission intensity, and coagulant carbon emission intensity being significantly affected by water intake and water temperature. Waterworks can formulate corresponding energy-saving and carbon reduction schemes based on the composition and monthly variation characteristics of key carbon emission nodes.
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