摘要: 连续暴雨事件会导致河流水生态环境风险等级增加,对河流生态环境安全造成冲击。为探究连续暴雨对河流水质分异特征的影响,于2021年秋汛期(9—10月)开展了黄河小浪底-高村段干支流水环境连续监测,通过对秋汛期80个样本的常规水质指标及抗生素分析,研究了黄河河南段干支流污染物时空变化特征,并对污染物来源进行了解析。结果表明:随着洪水演进,研究河段常规水质指标浓度均发生了显著变化,其中NH3-N和DO变化较为剧烈,变化幅度分别为176.1%和37.5%;抗生素浓度随暴雨减弱呈降低趋势,总浓度从8.32~41.30 ng/L减少到1.50~10.70 ng/L,平均变化幅度为77.7%。抗生素生态风险评价结果表明:暴雨期间其生态风险范围为0.07~7.80,相较于其他河流属于中低风险水平。常规水质指标中,农业面源污染对TP的绝对贡献率最大,为61.81%;气象因素对NH3-N绝对贡献率最高,为62.13%;其余指标主要受农业面源污染和河流内源污染等的综合影响。抗生素主要来源于黄河滩区农业面源污染和上游城市污水排放,其平均贡献率分别为50.40%和28.07%。建议在人类活动强烈区域建立源头-过程-末端治理体系,以削弱暴雨径流期对水生态环境的不良影响。Abstract: Continuous rainstorm events will increase the risk level of the river water ecological environment and impact its safety. In order to explore the impact of continuous rainstorm on river water quality differentiation characteristics, continuous monitoring of the water environment in the main stream and tributaries of the Yellow River from Xiaolangdi to Gaocun was carried out in the autumn flood season of 2021 (September to October). The spatiotemporal variation characteristics of pollutants in the main stream and tributaries of the Yellow River in Henan were studied and the sources of pollutants were analyzed, by routine water quality indicators and antibiotic analysis on 80 water samples during the autumn flood season. The results showed that as the flood progressed, the concentration of conventional water quality indicators in the main and tributaries of the Yellow River in Henan during the autumn flood season showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. Among them, NH3-N and DO changed more severely, with a changing rate of 176.1% and 37.5%, respectively; the concentration of antibiotics decreased with the weakening of the rainstorm, and the total concentration decreased from 8.32 to 41.30 ng/L, to 1.50 to 10.70 ng/L, with an average changing rate of 77.7%. The assessment results showed that the antibiotic comprehensive ecological risk during rainstorm ranged from 0.07 to 7.80, identified as a medium low risk level compared with other rivers. Among the conventional water quality indicators, agricultural non-point source pollution had the highest absolute contribution rate to total phosphorus, 61.81%; the absolute contribution rate of meteorological factors to NH3-N was the highest, 62.13%; the other indicators were mainly affected by the comprehensive impact of agricultural non-point source pollution and endogenous pollution of river water. Antibiotics mainly come from agricultural non-point source pollution in the Yellow River beach area and upstream urban sewage discharge, with an average contribution rate of 50.40% and 28.07%, respectively. It is suggested to establish a source-process-end integrated treatment system in areas with strong human activities, to weaken the adverse impact of the rainstorm runoff period on the aquatic ecological environment.
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