摘要: 明晰草原沙化面积变化特征趋势及各影响因素的驱动作用对于巩固和推进若尔盖县沙化治理成效具有重要意义。通过线性拟合分析沙化面积变化与驱动因素的相关性,识别出了关键驱动因素,建立了沙化面积变化与关键驱动因素的定量模型。结果表明:人均超载率和沙化治理面积是草原沙化的关键驱动因素,沙化面积变化量与关键驱动因素呈显著二元线性相关,平均超载率每升高1%,沙化面积增加0.2283万亩;沙化治理面积每增加1万亩,沙化面积减少0.4562万亩。在5年的沙化监测周期内,45.62%的治理沙化地转变为未沙化地,进一步证实草原沙化生态修复是一个长期缓慢的过程,沙化治理成效体现具有滞后性。在沙化治理项目的驱动作用下,沙化地的转变去向次序为流动沙地、人工半固定沙地、人工固定沙地、未沙化地。在超载放牧驱动作用下,露沙地和未沙化地的转变去向分别为天然固定沙地和露沙地。协同实施草原超载管控和沙化治理政策,能持续降低草原沙化面积和沙化程度,是巩固和推进沙化治理成效的关键。研究揭示了草原沙化面积变化与人类活动和政策因素之间的定量关系,为草地沙化变化趋势定量评估预测和精准防治提供了重要参考。Abstract: It is of decisive significance to clarify the characteristic trend of grassland desertification area change and the driving effect of each influencing factor for consolidating and promoting the desertification control effect in Ruoergai County. Through the linear fitting analysis of the correlation between desertification area change and driving factors, the key driving factors were identified, and the quantitative model of desertification area change and key driving factors was established. The results showed that the key driving factors of grassland desertification are the per capita overloading rate and the desertification control area, and the change of desertification area is significantly linearly correlated with the key driving factors. Ferevery 1% increase of the average overloading rate, the desertification area increases by 2283 mu. For every 10,000 mu of desertification control area increased, the desertification area decreased by 4562 mu. Within 5 years of the desertification monitoring period, 45.62% of the desertification grassland treated was transformed into undesertification grassland, which further confirmed that the ecological restoration of desertification grassland is a long and slow process, and the effectiveness of desertification control is lagging. Under the driving effect of desertification management projects, the transformation order of desertification land is mobile sandy land, artificial semi-fixed sandy land, artificial fixed sandy land and then undesertification land. Driven by overgrazing, the exposed sandy land and undesertification land will transform into natural fixed sandy land and exposed sandy land, respectively. The implementation of grassland overload control and desertification control policies can continuously reduce the area and degree of grassland desertification, which is the key to consolidating and promoting the effectiveness of desertification control. The study revealed the quantitative relationship between the change of grassland desertification area, human activities and policy factors, and provided an important reference for the quantitative assessment and prediction of grassland desertification change trend and accurate prevention and control.
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