摘要: 底泥是水体生态系统的重要组成部分,污染物在底泥与上覆水体之间反复迁移使其成为水环境治理的症结所在,实现底泥污染物高效去除是保证水体功能的重要手段。文章构建了沉水植物耦合底栖动物系统以净化底泥污染物,试验结果表明:投加50%底泥覆盖率的苦草耦合2 kg/m2的河蚌对污染底泥中的污染物去除效果最好,对底泥中有机质、NO-2-N、NO-3-N、NH+4-N和TP去除率分别达到12.2%、25.3%、29.1%、54.4%和16.20%。20 ℃条件下,5%底泥干重的生物炭使苦草河蚌组合对底泥有机质、TN、NO-2-N、NO-3-N、NH+4-N和TP去除率分别达到29.4%、29.8%、86.5%、67.1%、70.2%和28.2%;当水体增设曝气,且曝气量为6 L/min时,苦草河蚌组合对底泥有机质、TN、NO-2-N、NO-3-N、NH+4-N和TP去除率分别达到 23.5%、39.1%、92.1%、77.7%、71.8%和17.3%。研究结果将为沉水植物耦合底栖动物高效削减底泥污染物提供一定的理论依据和数据支撑。Abstract: Sediment is a vital component of river and lake aquatic ecosystems, the repeated migration of pollutants between the sediment and overlying water bodies has become the crux of water environment management. This experiment studied the coupling of submerged plants and benthic animals to purify sediment to reduce the impact of sediment pollutants on water bodies. The research showed that the highest performance in removal of pollutants from sediment was achieved when combining 50% sediment coverage of Vallisneria natans with 2 kg/m2 of freshwater mussels. The removal rates were 12.2% for organic matter, 25.3% for NO-2-N, 29.1% for NO-3-N, 54.4% for NH+4-N, and 16.20% for TP. The removal rates of organic matter, TN, NO-2-N, NO-3-N, NH+4-N and TP were 29.4%, 29.8%, 86.5%, 67.1%, 70.2%, 28.2% respectively, when adding biochar with 5% dry weight of sediment to the sediment, under 20 ℃. When aeration was conducted and the aeration rate was 6 L/min, the removal rates of organic matter, TN, NO-2-N, NO-3-N, NH+4-N and TP in the sediment of the combination reached 23.5%, 39.1%, 92.1%, 77.7%, 71.8% and 17.3%, respectively.
Key words:
- water sediment /
- contaminants reduction /
- submerged plants /
- benthic animals /
- overlying water
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