摘要: 为解析河南省典型工业城市秋冬季大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)的污染特征及主要来源,提高大气污染防治的针对性,以许昌市为例,于2019年10月—2020年1月采集4个点位PM2.5样品,对其碳质组分、无机元素和水溶性离子进行分析。结果表明:许昌市PM2.5日均浓度值为16.2~222.1 μg/m3,均值为86.0 μg/m3,是GB 3095—2012《环境空气质量标准》中二级浓度限值(75 μg/m3)的1.1倍;有机碳/元素碳(OC/EC)的平均值为9.0,硫氧化速率(SOR)和氮氧化速率(NOR)均>0.1,说明PM2.5受二次转化影响较大;SO2-4、NO-3和NH+4等水溶性离子占PM2.5质量浓度的41.3%;富集因子(enrichment factor,EF)法分析显示,Sb、Sn、Bi、Br、Zn、Pb、Cs和Cu的EF值>100,说明许昌市PM2.5可能受到了燃煤和机动车怠速排放影响;正交矩阵因子分析(PMF模型)结果表明,许昌市在秋冬季PM2.5来源主要为二次无机源、燃烧源和机动车排放源,其贡献率分别为38.6%、19.9%和14.1%。除本地污染物积累转化外,经过漯河市、开封市、平顶山市以及河南省周边城市的区域性贡献也是导致许昌市PM2.5污染的原因。Abstract: To analyze the pollution characteristics and main sources of atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in typical industrial cities during autumn and winter in Henan Province, taking Xuchang as an example, PM2.5 samples were collected from four sites in Xuchang from October 2019 to January 2020, and the concentrations, carbon components, inorganic elements and water-soluble ions of PM2.5 were analyzed. The results showed that the daily concentration of PM2.5 in Xuchang ranged from 16.2 μg/m3 to 222.1 μg/m3, and the daily average concentration was 86.0 μg/m3, which was 1.1 times of the limiting value specified in Ambient Air Quality Standards (GB 3095—2012) (75 μg/m3). The average value of organic carbon/elemental carbon (OC/EC) in the composition was 9.0, and sulfur oxidation rate (SOR) and nitrogen oxidation rate (NOR) were significantly greater than 0.1, indicating that PM2.5 in Xuchang was affected by secondary transformation; the most important water-soluble ions such as SO2-4, NO-3 and NH+4, accounted for 41.3% of the total mass concentration of PM2.5. Enrichment factor analysis showed that the enrichment factor (EF) values of Sb, Sn, Bi, Br, Zn, Pb, Cs, and Cu were all higher than 100, possibly due to the influence of coal combustion and idling vehicle emissions. Positive matrix factor (PMF) analysis proved that PM2.5 in Xuchang during the study period was mainly derived from secondary inorganic sources, combustion sources and vehicle sources, with a contribution rate of 38.6%, 19.9%, and 14.1%, respectively. Apart from local pollutant accumulation and transformation, regional contribution from cities such as Luohe, Kaifeng, Pingdingshan, and surrounding areas of Henan Province was also significant factor contributing to PM2.5 pollution in Xuchang.
Key words:
- PM2.5 /
- component composition /
- pollution characterization /
- source apportionment
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