摘要: 钢铁流程赋存有丰富的余存有价组元,其来源广泛,成分和组成均十分复杂,必须对其高效资源化利用。基于冶金流程学理论,分析了钢铁流程余存组元的来源、转化及迁移规律,揭示了余存组元无序化与钢铁流程碳污排放的逻辑关系,提出了钢铁流程余存有价组元自洽循环利用的理论观点,即输入一定的治理物质流和能量流(负熵流),促使无序化的余存组元及其携带的余能自洽地回到钢铁主工艺流程,或成为其他工业流程原料进行资源化循环利用。同时,基于钢铁流程物能自洽资源化利用的理论观点,介绍了非金属有机组元、非金属无机组元以及重(碱)金属组元等有价组元自洽循环利用的典型工艺方法和应用案例。Abstract: The steel process contains abundant residual valuable components, which come from a wide range of sources and have a complex composition. It is necessary to utilize these components as resources efficiently. This article is based on the theory of metallurgical processes, analyzes the sources, transformation, and migration laws of residual components in the steel process, reveals the causal relationship between the disorder of residual components and carbon pollution emissions in the steel process, and proposes the theoretical viewpoint of self-consistent recycling of valuable components in the steel process, that is, inputting a certain amount of governance material flow and energy flow (negative entropy flow) to promote the disordered residual components and their carried residual energy to return to the main process of steel, or become raw materials for resource recycling in other industrial processes. At the same time, based on the theoretical viewpoint of self-consistent resource utilization of material energy in the steel process, typical process methods and application cases of self-consistent recycling of valuable components, such as non-metallic organic components, non-metallic inorganic components, and heavy (alkali) metal components are introduced.
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