摘要: 采用数值模拟方法研究了燃用高热值生活垃圾的焚烧炉结构对燃烧安全、温度分布以及烟气特性的影响,对某650 t/d垃圾焚烧炉冷、热态进行模拟,探究了二次风温度、二次风布置方式以及后拱角度对炉内燃烧的影响。模拟结果显示:二次风温度由180℃降至25℃后,炉内整体平均温度下降约80℃,有利于缓解炉内结焦、高温腐蚀的问题;前墙下层二次风移至前拱后,二次风气流会形成"风幕",压迫可燃气体贴近炉排,可能造成炉排烧坏、进料口回火等问题;在此基础上将前拱二次风移至前墙后,第1烟道烟气充满度高、且温度分布更为均匀,同时第1烟道出口气体组分浓度满足GB 18485-2014《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准》,适合燃用高热值生活垃圾。Abstract: In this paper,the effects of incinerator structure on combustion safety,temperature distribution,and flue properties were investigated with numerical simulation.The cold and hot states of a 650 t/d municipal solid waste incinerator were simulated.And the effects of secondary air temperature,secondary air layout,and rear arch angle on the combustion in the incinerator were explored.The simulation results showed that the overall average temperature in the furnace decreased by about 80℃,as the temperature of secondary air decreased from 180℃ to 25℃.The overall temperature decrease was beneficial to alleviate the problems of coking and high-temperature corrosion in the furnace.When the secondary air in the lower part of the front wall moved to the front arch,the secondary airflow formed an "air curtain" and pressed the combustible gas close to the grate,which may cause problems such as grate burning and tempering at the feed port.On this basis,when moving the front arch secondary air behind the front wall,the first flue gas had higher fullness and a more uniform temperature distribution.And the gas component concentration at the outlet of the first flue complied with China's national standard,GB 18485-2014,Domestic Waste Incineration Pollution Control Standard,making the incinerator suitable when burning high calorific value domestic waste.
Key words:
- high calorific value /
- domestic waste /
- incinerator /
- numerical simulation /
- optimization
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