摘要: 以实验室自主驯化的二沉池污水为接种物,对我国天津、昭通、太原3个城市的市政污泥和玉米秸秆混合物进行了高温(55℃)厌氧发酵,考察了不同发酵体系下发酵液pH、单日产气量、累积产气量、甲烷产率等指标随发酵时间的变化情况。结果表明:污泥单独发酵几乎不存在酸化现象,稳定后的发酵液pH值高于混合发酵试验组;污泥单独发酵系统的最大单日产气量出现在第1,2天,发酵系统加入玉米秸秆后最大单日产气量出现的时间有所延迟;天津污泥单独发酵(20 g-TS)的累积产气量达到2004 mL,高于其他2组;所有发酵系统的VS去除率均达到40%以上;随着发酵过程稳定,甲烷含量维持在70~85 vol.%,天津污泥单独发酵的甲烷产率达到141.01 mL/g-VS;Modified Gompertz拟合表明污泥单独发酵不符合"S"曲线,该系统下发酵停滞期较短,污泥与玉米秸秆质量比为3:1或2:1时甲烷产率、产甲烷速率和发酵停滞期具有一定优势。Abstract: Municipal sludge and corn straw mixtures from three cities,Tianjin,Zhaotong,Taiyuan in China were subjected to thermophilic anaerobic digestion (55℃) with domesticated secondary sedimentation tank sewage as the inoculum.The changes in pH,single-day and cumulative biogas production,and methane production under different systems with digestion time were investigated.The results indicated that anaerobic digestion of sludge-only exhibited no acidification,and its pH value was higher than that of the trials fed with corn straw.The maximum single-day biogas production of the sludge anaerobic digestion system appeared on the first or second day.With the addition of corn straw,the maximum single-day biogas production was delayed.The cumulative biogas production of the Tianjin sludge-only group reached 2004 mL,which was higher than the other two groups.The removal rates of VS under all fermentation systems were higher than 40%.As the digestion process stabilized,the methane content in biogas was maintained at 70%~85%(volume ratio).The specific methane production of Tianjin sludge-only reached 141.01 mL/g-VS.Gompertz model revealed that the sludge-only groups did not fit with the"S"curve,and the lag phase was very short.When the sludge:corn straw was 3:1 or 2:1,both the specific methane production,methane production rate,and lag phase had certain advantages.
Key words:
- municipal sludge /
- corn straw /
- thermophilic anaerobic digestion /
- biogas
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